wsgen issue: not using schema provided

From: Chua, Jerson \(Exchange\) <"Chua,>
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 16:06:35 -0400

Here are steps that I did.


1. Created my own schema (poks.xsd)


<xs:schema targetNamespace=""
elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">

            <xs:element name="RrNumber">


                                    <xs:restriction base="xs:token">

                                                <xs:length value="4"/>




            <xs:element name="RrName">


                                    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">





            <xs:complexType name="RRInfoType">


                                    <xs:element ref="tns:RrNumber"/>

                                    <xs:element ref="tns:RrName"






2. Generate JAXB classes with following ant task


    <target name="generate-jaxb-classes">

        <echo message="Compiling the schema..." />

        <xjc package="com.bear.poks.jaxb" target="${src.dir}">

            <schema dir="${schema.dir}" includes="*.xsd"/>

            <produces dir="${src.dir}/com/bear/poks/jaxb"
includes="**/*.java" />




3. Create end point implementation in Netbeans using the generated JAXB
class as a return type


package com.bear.poks.webservice;


import com.bear.poks.jaxb.RRInfoType;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.List;

import javax.jws.WebService;

import javax.jws.WebMethod;

import javax.jws.WebParam;




 * @author jchua



public class PoksService {



     * Web service operation



    public List<RRInfoType> getRrsForUser(@WebParam(name = "userId")
String userId, @WebParam(name = "rrNo") String rrNo, @WebParam(name =
"occd") String occd) throws com.bear.poks.exception.poksException {

        List<RRInfoType> list = new ArrayList<RRInfoType>();


        RRInfoType rr1 = new RRInfoType();

        rr1.setRrName("Jane Doe");



        RRInfoType rr2 = new RRInfoType();

        rr1.setRrName("John Doe");



        return list;




4. Deploy application in Tomcat



The problem is that the generated WSDL doesn't use poks.xsd that I
created. The generated schema (xsd=1) doesn't have the restrictions
that I've defined in poks.xsd.





       <xsd:import namespace=""
schemaLocation="http://localhost:8084/poks_ws/poksService?xsd=1" />



       <xsd:import namespace=""
schemaLocation="http://localhost:8084/poks_ws/poksService?xsd=2" />





How can I force to wsgen to use the poks.xsd in the WSDL? Please advice.

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