I just found this blog that might be helpful:
Doug Kohlert wrote:
> Boris,
> If you build your SOAP message with SAAJ, you could also use that
> SAAJ message with JAX-WS's Dispatch interface
> and still be able to use JAX-WS.
> Adding support for rpc/encoded is unlikely, AFAIK, Microsoft's WCF
> (Indigo) also does not support rpc/encoded
> anymore. I maybe wrong on this though.
> Boris Granveaud wrote:
>> I understand your point of view. However, I have to call a WS
>> (developped in .NET I guess), and for the moment I have to build a
>> SOAP message by hand with SAAJ...
>> Do you think that this may be supported in the future?
>> B.
>>> Yes, it is true, JAX-WS does not support rpc/encoded WSDLs. This is
>>> because they are not WS-I Basic Profile
>>> 1.1 compliant which means that they may not interop well with all
>>> vendors.
>>> Boris Granveaud wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I've got this error when importing a WSDL:
>>>> error: undefined simple or complex type 'soapenc:Array'
>>>> I've read somewhere that soapenc:Array isn't supported in JAX-WS
>>>> 2.0. Is that true?
>>>> B.
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- Doug