Andreas Loew wrote:
> Jitu, All,
> Jitendra Kotamraju schrieb:
>> Have you tried using Provider<Source> where there is no data binding
>> involved.
>> Other option is to use Provider<Message> in case you want to deal
>> with headers etc.
> thank you - yes, I know about the Provider and Dispatcher APIs. Still,
> my intenion was to use a JAXB2 mapping for the "outer" part of my
> document (i.e. *not* having to completely parse it on my own using
> e.g. the StAX API).
> In some ways, what I'd like to do reminds myself of the proverb and
> the inherent contradiction of "Having your cake and eating it, too"
> (hoping that this one is the right English language equivalent for the
> German "Wasch mich, aber mach mich nicht naß": let me have a wash
> without becoming wet).
> What I am looking for is the ease of use and flexibility of a JAXB2
> binding for the outer part of the document on the one hand, while
> still enjoying the performance and streaming options of directly
> accessing the nested inner document fragment (the "xsd:any" part of
> the outer XSD/WSDL) using the original StAX streaming source on the
> other hand.
> Looks like this will remain an irresolvable contradiction... :-(
You could use RI's Provider<Message> . Message contains various ways to
get the payload and Headers in various formats(JAXB, Source etc). I
believe it suits your need. Take a look at the Message class.
> Thanks anyway,
> Andreas