- "set" command with multiple operands
- 67 startup throws SEVERE error processing TransactionRecovery
- [arch] deployment issues
- [Community Leaders] Crippling Slowness]
- [Community Leaders] java.net is slow today
- [Fwd: [Issue 10500] [web_services] glassfish process terminates while trying to undeploy 'opensso']
- [Fwd: glassfish wiki is down]
- [Fwd: sso-enabled and access-logging-enabled attribute changed recently ?]
- [FYI] More frequent BindException to occur
- [gfwiki] glassfish wiki is still down
- [java.net] SWAN IP update
- [REVIEW: pom.xml changes for jms-core]
- [REVIEW] changes to integrate JSF 2.0.1
- [REVIEW] pom.xml changes to integrate FCS release of JSF 2.0.0
- [REVIEW] pom.xml changes to integrate JSF 2.0.0 RC2
- [REVIEW] pom.xml changes to integrate JSF 2.0.0-b23
- [REVIEW] pom.xml changes to integrate JSF 2.0.1
- [v3] DAS is up but asdmin stop-domain reports it's not
- [v3] Fisheye and Svnsearch are out of date
- [v3] Schedule Change
- Action : SEVERE, WARNING, INFO log messages
- Action : SEVERE, WARNING, INFO log messages (red and green)
- ACTION: Ken or Mahesh Seeking Review for 10030: _at_Resource and JSR-303
- Announcing GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1
- asadmin command "create-auth-realm " execution very inconsistent
- asadmin dependency on java.net?
- asadmin dependency on java.net?)
- Bug Scrub for P1-P2s
- build broken 9:46 am PST? "cannot find symbol symbol : variable FutureStatsProviders"
- build error
- build error question
- Build error?
- build failure
- Build failure on Windows : UnsatisfiedDepedencyException
- Build failure with r32802?
- build failure?
- Build issues?
- building glassfish without distributions
- Bundle Password
- can't run quicklook tests
- CANCELLED java.net Planned Outage - Saturday, October 17th 8am PDT
- CANCELLED: java.net Planned Outage -Friday October 2nd, 5pm PDT
- changes to the upgrade code?
- checking for unused i18n keys in resource files
- CommandRunner
- Config events convey raw values, not translated
- container-based security?
- CORBA b032 has been integrated
- Current java.net outage]
- databased subfolder in top-level folder ...
- Debug: RosterBean createLeague", etc
- debugging Admin Console
- deployment failure (client time out)
- deployment issues
- directory deployment and global jndi names appear to not play well together...
- doc question
- Does this stack trace look familiar
- domain.xml parsing during bootstrap
- DomainUpgrade and errors in processing?
- Ed Vacation Day today
- Equinox
- error during startup with fresh build this am
- Failed to create class org.glassfish.web.starter.WebContainerStarter|#
- Fault1_2Impl source code? (P1 issue)
- Felix Error
- FindBugs pom.xml changes
- First nightly build for GlassFish Tools Bundle For Eclipse 1.2 is now available: Testing needed...
- FishEye (SVN) for glassfish is down
- Fwd: [Community Leaders] Update java.net status
- FYI: Integration of Final JSR-303 RI to Glassfish delayed: HV-252
- GF does not start.
- Glassfish
- Glassfish JSR-299 (JCDI aka WebBeans support)
- GlassFish SGES211_FCS_BRANCH v2.1.1 build b31d has been promoted
- GlassFish SGES211_FCS_BRANCH v2.1.1 build b31e has been promoted
- GlassFish SGES211_FCS_BRANCH v2.1.1 build b31f has been promoted
- GlassFish SGES211_FCS_BRANCH v2.1.1 build b31g has been promoted
- glassfish svn is down
- GlassFish v3 Docs Meeting -- Thurs 10/15 2-3 PM PDT
- GlassFish v3 Docs Meeting -- Thurs 10/22 2-3 PM PDT
- GlassFish v3 Docs Meeting -- Thurs 10/29 2-3 PM PDT
- GlassFish v3 Docs Meeting -- Thurs 10/8 2-3 PM PDT
- Heads up: planned downtime this coming Friday at 5pm PT
- Help jars not present in nightly: here's what to do
- Hibernate/JPA related message during deploy/undeploy of Ruby apps
- hk2 jar problems
- host name question running sqe tests
- How do I run a single QL test?
- how does asadmin avoid this exception...
- How to access Habitat from a Web Application?
- How to modify the default logging config?
- If you get a StackOverflowError in the build
- If you get a StackOverflowError in the build)
- Instability of QuickLook tests
- Integration gmbal 3.0.0-b019
- Is QL passing for anyone??
- is quicklook working right now?
- is quicklook working right now?)
- issue tracker
- Issue with computing WebComponentDescriptor for jar inside a WAR file
- jar files checked into svn
- JarFile opening two files
- java -jar glassfish.jar and EE6 support
- java.lang.IllegalStateException: Singleton not set for java.net.URLClassLoader
- java.net down again
- java.net down again: notification sent
- java.net down again?
- java.net Planned Outage - 3pm PDT TODAY, 10/12/09
- java.net Planned Outage - Saturday, October 17th 8am PDT
- java.net Planned Outage, Friday October 23rd, 4pm PDT
- java.net Planned Outage- Friday, October 30th, 2009 at 4pm
- java.net: duplicate emails
- javax.inject implementation part of webbeans
- JSF Managed Beans or Web Beans ?
- Ken Saks, Cheng Fang, Seeking Review for 10030: _at_Resource and JSR-303
- kernel and config-api dependencies in top level pom.xml
- list of available properties for deploy and redeploy
- Log gets truncated by restart...
- Looking for clarification on message ID syntax
- Maven question
- maven version to use (was "build failure")
- Metro logger root
- More QL failures ...
- Multiple exceptions in QL log due to web-beans integration
- new Flashlight exception
- new problems with today's build: LogService
- No New Nightly V3 builds at http://download.java.net/glassfish/v3/nightly/
- Not all messages are logged in server.log
- NPE when deploying jersey (bookmark sample) app
- NPE: resolveAppNameConflict on 10/6 nightly
- Performance checkin
- please approve top-level pom.xml change
- please approve top-level pom.xml change for Gmbal update
- Please review changes to flashlight/btrace pom.xml to pull in new vesrsion of btrace jars
- Please review changes to top level pom.xml to pull in 2.0.0-M11 of EclipseLink
- Please review changes to top level pom.xml to pull in new vesrsion of EclipseLink
- Please review orb-connector/pom.xml (and osgi.bundle) changes
- please review pom change
- Please review pom.xml
- Please review v3/pom.xml and orb-connector/pom.xml changes
- POM and packager change review request
- POM change : review request
- POM change : Splitting woodstox out of webservices-osgi
- POM change : Splitting woodstox out of webservices-osgi]
- POM change packager\glassfish-nucleus
- POM change review request
- pom review - adding jsr-299 api and impl to runtime dependencies for app client
- pom review for adding the inject apis in the javaee apis module
- pom review: /pom.xml integration of Metro b25
- Pom Review: Weld Integration [1.0.0-CR1-SP1]
- pom.xml review
- pom.xml review request
- pom.xml review request : connectors/work-management
- QL failure in AMX tests : known issue ?
- QL failures
- QL failures webbeans_numberguess
- QL failures with freshly checked out v3 ws?
- QL filename error
- QL is taking a long time
- QuickLook hang with today's build
- QuickLook hang with today's build and server dies in the middle of QL
- Regarding issue https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=10539
- Reminder: java.net Planned Outage, Friday October 23rd, 4pm PDT
- Removing packager/glassfish-grizzly-full/build.xml?
- Request for pom review
- Review pom.xml changes
- Review request for change to top level pom to pull in new version of EclipseLink
- Review request: pom.xml
- scripting distribution?
- SecurityContext does not get cleared on server restart
- Seeking review for top level pom changes
- Sending JMS messages on cluster
- Serious issue with Grizzly pom.xml
- server crash on Mac OS X is a JVM crash in CompilerThread0
- Servlet error pages and sendError, setStatus
- SEVERE exceptions while running embedded tests with b67 : probes,
- Should the auth realm for admin be dynamic?
- slf4j as Glassfish OSGi module
- slf4j Osgi Load Issues
- slf4j Osgi Load Issues)
- Some source jars for latest artifacts are missing?
- Song when you get to no bugs
- source integration question (javahelp)
- source version of jax-ws/wsit?
- Specifying JVM options through environment variables
- Starting Glassfish v3 using the full java command
- startup failures
- status: building from clean once more)
- status: building from clean once more))
- Stupid CLI Tricks
- Subversion expertise needed?
- svn and java.net down?
- svn: Failed to add directory 'packager/pkg-java': object of the same name already exists
- System.getProperty("product.name") always null?
- the v2 compatibility property
- top level mvn clean fails: plugin 'org.jvnet.jaxb2.maven2:maven-jaxb2-plugin' does not exist
- Transaction exceptions in server.log
- Two JavaMail bundles in glassfish/modules
- URGENT: Ming Zhang: Changes to QL Build Scripts For Web Beans With SecurityManager Enabled
- V3 build broken on Mac: Trace/BPT trap
- V3 build broken on Mac: Trace/BPT trap or Segmentation fault
- V3 build in Hudson
- V3 Engineering meeting, Oct 13th, 9am
- V3 Engineering Meeting, Oct 6th, 9am
- V3 Engineering Meeting, Tue Oct 20th, 9am
- V3 Engineering meeting, Tue Oct 27th, 9am
- v3 ports and EJB embedded container
- V3 QL failures
- v3 web/webbeans-integration?
- v3/pom.xml review
- virtual servers and network listeners
- virtual-server<->network-listener mapping
- warning from mini parser (upgrade related)
- Web-application logout
- what is the inverse of...
- what security role for admin for EJB?
- where can i find
- Which is the right domain.xml to update?
- Which is the right server.policy file?
- Who owns the com.sun.enterprise.universal.xml.MiniXmlParserTest test?
- who's the owner? (startup behavior)
- wiki rss question
- wiki.glassfish.java.net is back up
- Last message date: Thu Oct 15 05:48:52 2009
- Archived on: Thu Aug 10 14:57:26 2017 PDT