Re: java -jar glassfish.jar and EE6 support

From: Bill Shannon <>
Date: Sun, 04 Oct 2009 22:49:44 -0700

Sahoo wrote on 10/4/09 10:18 PM:
> Bill Shannon wrote:
>> Ludovic Champenois wrote on 10/1/09 8:23 PM:
>>> Thinking more about this command:
>>> java -jar glassfish.jar
>>> This does not set the EE 6 modified jars we have for annotations (for
>>> example @Resource with the new lookup attribute) and jaxb (in the gf
>>> endorsed/ dir), so this is not a Java EE 6 compliant JVM process, right?
>>> Another evil side effect of modifying JDK 6 apis...
>>> Ludo
>> Well, if you're running it this way, you're taking responsibility
>> for configuring it properly. Part of that is configuring these
>> "endorsed standards" properly. We need to make sure our documentation
>> full describes all the required configuration to achieve a Java EE
>> compatible server.
> No, we should not have to set endorsed dir to get this working since we
> run on OSGi and we can configure OSGi to ignore JDK supplied packages
> like javax.resource.

Personally, I think that's an OSGi mis-feature, but we still have to
consider the case where OSGi isn't being used.