Re: java -jar glassfish.jar and EE6 support

From: Sahoo <>
Date: Mon, 05 Oct 2009 10:48:36 +0530

Bill Shannon wrote:
> Ludovic Champenois wrote on 10/1/09 8:23 PM:
>> Thinking more about this command:
>> java -jar glassfish.jar
>> This does not set the EE 6 modified jars we have for annotations (for
>> example @Resource with the new lookup attribute) and jaxb (in the gf
>> endorsed/ dir), so this is not a Java EE 6 compliant JVM process, right?
>> Another evil side effect of modifying JDK 6 apis...
>> Ludo
> Well, if you're running it this way, you're taking responsibility
> for configuring it properly. Part of that is configuring these
> "endorsed standards" properly. We need to make sure our documentation
> full describes all the required configuration to achieve a Java EE
> compatible server.
No, we should not have to set endorsed dir to get this working since we
run on OSGi and we can configure OSGi to ignore JDK supplied packages
like javax.resource.
Ludo, what are you observing that leads you to think that javax.resource
is not being picked up from modules directory?

I also see that whoever has integrated javax.resource has forgot to
package it in endorsed dir for it to work in ACC.
