Re: directory deployment and global jndi names appear to not play well together...

From: Vince Kraemer <Vince.Kraemer_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 01 Oct 2009 12:31:53 -0700


That explains it.

It feels like it contradicts the way we work with other command-line
arguments, like the context-root... but that may just be me.


On 10/01/09 12:18, Hong Zhang wrote:
> Hi, Vince
> I am not sure about the expected behavior on JWS part, Tim should be
> able to the clarify it. What you saw with the global jndi name is the
> expected behavior.
> There are two names involved here, the EE6 spec defined application
> name and the glassfish specific application registration name:
> a) The EE6 application name is the value of the application-name
> element defined in application.xml. When this element is not present
> in the application.xml, the default is derived from the path. This is
> what's used in the global jndi name. And in your case, the gfdeploy.
> b) The glassfish impl specific application registration name will
> also take consideration of the --name option which has the highest
> precedence. When the --name option is not specified, we set it to the
> EE6 application name. This in your case, the "Examples".
> Hope this clarifies things a bit.
> - Hong
>> I am investigating
>> The server integration for v3 uses directory deployment to help speed
>> up development...
>> The IDE creates a deployment directory called gfdeploy.
>> It then does the equivalent of 'asadmin deploy --name <app name>
>> gfdeploy'
>> This deploys the app and in just about every place that we have
>> looked at to date, the word <app name> is used when referring to the
>> app... except the global jndi name [and JWS support]
>> I double checked the situation, by running the deploy with asadmin
>> against v3 b66 (2009-09-28)
>> here is the result...
>> bash-3.2$ date
>> Thu Oct 1 10:52:42 PDT 2009
>> bash-3.2$ /export/home/vkraemer/glassfishv3/glassfish/bin/asadmin
>> deploy --name Examples /tmp/Examples/dist/gfdeploy
>> Command deploy executed successfully.
>> bash-3.2$ /export/home/vkraemer/glassfishv3/glassfish/bin/asadmin get
>> '*.Examples.*'
>> applications.application.Examples.availability-enabled=false
>> applications.application.Examples.enabled=true
>> applications.application.Examples.location=file:/tmp/Examples/dist/gfdeploy/
>> applications.application.Examples.object-type=user
>> applications.application.Examples.engine.ear.sniffer=ear
>> applications.application.Examples.module.Examples-app-client.jar.engine.appclient.sniffer=appclient
>> applications.application.Examples.module.Examples-ejb.jar.engine.ejb.sniffer=ejb
>> servers.server.server.application-ref.Examples.disable-timeout-in-minutes=30
>> servers.server.server.application-ref.Examples.enabled=true
>> servers.server.server.application-ref.Examples.ref=Examples
>> servers.server.server.application-ref.Examples.virtual-servers=server
>> Command get executed successfully.
>> And here is the relevant log entries...
>> [#|2009-10-01T10:52:59.160-0700|INFO|glassfish||_ThreadID=31;_ThreadName=Thread-2;|Portable
>> JNDI names for EJB HelloWorldBean :
>> [java:global/gfdeploy/Examples-ejb/HelloWorldBean,
>> java:global/gfdeploy/Examples-ejb/HelloWorldBean!com.sun.suned.sl355.examples.ejb.session.HelloWorldRemote]|#]
>> [#|2009-10-01T10:52:59.160-0700|INFO|glassfish||_ThreadID=31;_ThreadName=Thread-2;|Glassfish-specific
>> (Non-portable) JNDI names for EJB HelloWorldBean :
>> [com.sun.suned.sl355.examples.ejb.session.HelloWorldRemote,
>> com.sun.suned.sl355.examples.ejb.session.HelloWorldRemote#com.sun.suned.sl355.examples.ejb.session.HelloWorldRemote]|#]
>> [#|2009-10-01T10:52:59.301-0700|INFO|glassfish||_ThreadID=31;_ThreadName=Thread-2;|ACDEPL103:
>> Java Web Start services started for the app client
>> Examples/Examples-app-client.jar (contextRoot:
>> /gfdeploy/Examples-app-client)|#]
>> [#|2009-10-01T10:52:59.347-0700|INFO|glassfish||_ThreadID=31;_ThreadName=Thread-2;|Deployment
>> of Examples done is 4,313 ms|#]
>> It looks like there may be a similar issue with the Java Web Start
>> support.
>> I also checked what happens when the user uses directory deployment
>> for an EJB jar. In this case the directory has the name jar... but
>> the global JNDI name appears to use the value from --name....
>> vbk
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