Re: How do I run a single QL test?

From: Marina Vatkina <Marina.Vatkina_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 07 Oct 2009 16:03:42 -0700

If your maven repo is not $HOME/.m2/repository you need to combine rules from
different parts of that page and do

mvn -Dmaven.repo.local={mvn repo} -Dglassfish.home={V3 Installation Dir} test


Ken Cavanaugh wrote:
> Ming Zhang wrote:
>> Hi Ken,
>> This is documented in quicklook/QuickLook_Test_Instructions.html:
>> 6. To Run Individual Test Suite from Directory Level:
>> After the first run with maven from top level, the dependency jars
>> will be downloaded to local maven repository. Now it's possible to run
>> individual test suite from directory level. Change directory to the
>> test directory. For example, to run quicklook/ejb/slsbnicmt test suite
>> against glassfish bundle:
>> o {V3 Installation Dir}/bin/asadmin start-domain
>> o {V3 Installation Dir}/bin/asadmin start-database
>> o cd ejb/slsbnicmt
>> o ant -Dglassfish.home={V3 Installation Dir} all
>> Ming
> Thanks! I was reading that page, and I missed those instructions.
> Ken.
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