I can easily log a single SEVERE message telling the user to check the log for
the details, if my upgrade didn't succeed.
Bobby Bissett wrote:
>> As DomainUpgrade is only a marker interface, and you *inject* the
>> impl classes, how can any errors be reported back to the users, if
>> postConstruct encounters any?
> I'm not Jerome, but I think you can just log any errors the way you
> would normally. If upgrade tool sees any Level.SEVERE messages in the
> output it will alert the user and tell him/her to check the server log.
> If there's something you want to try without committing you can always
> send me a jar file or two to drop into my installation.
>> For the EJB Timer Service, to upgrade the timer table, the
>> underlining database must be up and running. While this is not a
>> problem in default case (when embedded derby is used), if the setup
>> was changed to use some other database, it might have been stopped,
>> and it would be nice to tell the user that they need to execute
>> themselves the alter statement from the fix xyz.sql.
> For what it's worth, I've been maintaining that it's simply invalid to
> bring the database down during an upgrade. That just doesn't sound like
> real life, and as you point out the DB may need to be accessed during
> an upgrade. I think it's great to handle this case gracefully, but it's
> not something that really should happen in a normal environment.
> Upgrading the app server should be orthogonal to any database changes
> (unless your enterprise is running on the bundled javadb!).
> Cheers,
> Bobby
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