On 10/6/09 10:44 AM, Sahoo wrote:
> Ludovic Champenois wrote:
>>> I guess things are working because of includes that contains
>>> artifact names. As I mentioned, I certainly don't know the history
>>> of this file. Can you try making the change and let me know what you
>>> see? BTW, do you agree that adding javax.inject:inject-api is wrong?
>> I agree with nothing...
> There are two artifacts which JSR330 APIs as you can see here:
> http://www.mvnbrowser.com/artifacts-search.html?page=1&search=javax.inject
That would be a bug, right?
> I see you have specified the artifact name as javax.inject:inject-api
> in api-assembly.xml. How do we know which one to use?
I've no clue...If there are 2 artifacts, how am I supposed to know which
one to use?
> It can change from one version of webbeans-osgi-bundle to another, right?
> Since you changed the dependency to webbeans-osgi-bundle from
> jsr299-api in the pom.xml, an appropriate fix in api-assembly.xml
> would have been this:
> - <include>org.jboss.webbeans:jsr299-api</include>
> + <include>org.jboss.webbeans:webbeans-osgi-bundle</include>
> After making this change, you can see javax.inject being part of the
> api jar. You will also see some non-javax stuff being part of the jar.
> To fix that, you need to add appropriate patterns in <excludes>.
> Same applies to web-api-assembly.xml as well.
Will try.
> Thanks,
> Sahoo
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