Re: Bundle Password

From: Jerome Dochez <Jerome.Dochez_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 07 Oct 2009 09:43:20 -0700

On Oct 6, 2009, at 2:28 PM, Jason Lee wrote:

> On Oct 6, 2009, at 4:21 PM, Jerome Dochez wrote:
>> the hk2-import-bundles does not support supplying the mandatory
>> password. That's for instance why I asked this morning Ken Paulsen
>> to figure out why you still needed the HK2-Import-Bundles all
>> together.
> OK. That's a question Ken will have to answer. I'm just now
> learning how this part of the build works. :)
>> Now apart from that specific issue, the reason why we added the
>> mandatory password in GF is so that applications (like the admin-
>> gui) does not see it.
>> So am I correct in understanding that you want to hide that jar to
>> all GF applications *but* the admin-gui ?
> Yes, that's correct. As I understand things, currently, "third-
> party" applications can see this jar, which prevents users from
> upgrading the library in their applications, as this one overrides
> what's deployed with their application.
then you need to bundle your own version too :)

how big is that jar ?

> Jason Lee
> Senior Java Developer
> GlassFish Administration Console
> Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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