export AS_LOGFILE=/glassfishv3/glassfish/cli.log
set AS_LOGFILE=c:\glassfishv3\glassfish\cli.log
You can set and forget the environmental variable and every cli comand
that is ever run will be logged into the file you specify. One line per
command. I put the file right inside an installation so it
automatically goes away whenever I reinstall.
I decided to send out this tip because I was just asked "Does QL
exercise create-domain thoroughly?" Beats me, but I had my answer in a
jiffy by looking at cli.log which revealed that QL does not run
create-domain at all.
Typical output (a tiny portion of calls from QL)
10/27/2009 15:11:37 EXIT: 0 asadmin start-database
10/27/2009 15:12:01 EXIT: 0 asadmin start-domain domain1
10/27/2009 15:12:39 EXIT: 0 asadmin deploy ../../dist/basicweb/hellojsp.war
10/27/2009 15:12:50 EXIT: 0 asadmin deploy
10/27/2009 15:13:03 EXIT: 0 asadmin deploy
10/27/2009 15:13:17 EXIT: 0 asadmin deploy
10/27/2009 15:13:38 EXIT: 0 asadmin deploy
10/27/2009 15:13:52 EXIT: 0 asadmin deploy
10/27/2009 15:14:04 EXIT: 0 asadmin deploy