Mahesh Kannan wrote:
> Sahoo wrote:
>> Mahesh, dependencyManagement
>> Please use dependencyManagement in v3/pom.xml to specify the versions
>> of various corba artifacts and remove any such external version from
>> orb/*/pom.xml and send it for review.
> I have already checked in the changes since I got the approval from
> Jerome.
> However, I will make the suggested changes and send it for review
> tomorrow.
>> I am not sure about orb-connector exporting threadpool manager and
>> IIOPUtils. That is not what a connector module is supposed to be used
>> for.
> Ken / Jerome: Should we create a new module for these two classes?
I have no idea what a connector bundle is supposed to do. Is there a
written description
of architectural principles for modularity in GFv3 that would describe
the convention here?
In any case, I don't particularly care one way or the other, but I don't
think we should create
another bundle just for the two files, since increasing the number of
bundles tends to
impact startup time. But whatever Jerome wants to do is fine with me.