Re: Specifying JVM options through environment variables

From: Sander Sõnajalg <>
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2009 13:22:14 +0200


my problem is a bit more specific, actually. As I told, I am developing an
extension to Sun's existing Eclipse WTP integration plugin. What i want to
achieve is that somebody installs my Eclipse plugin, checks some additional
checkboxes (that enable certain VM-options for Glassfish), then start
glassfish with Eclipse WTP, and the specified JVM-arguments are now set to
the JVM that runs his glassfish. If i would only have to do this in my own
machine, then of course the easiest way would be to go and manully add the
required VM-options to domain.xml. But as I want it to work on *anybody*'s
machine, this is a bit harder. The last thing i would like to do is make my
eclipse plugin go dig up the user's domain.xml, parse it, add my
VM-arguments to it, save the changes, and *then* execute glassfish. Setting
some environment variable would be way easier. But if you provide no hooks
or extension-points to do this, it seems that i have no other options. Is
that really so? : /(

thansk once again,


From: Byron Nevins <Byron.Nevins_at_Sun.COM>

Are you using V2 or V3?

We have big improvements in V3 -- see this


In V3 you could do something like this -

export FRAME_ENABLED=true

in domain.xml


V3 will look for the token inside domain.xml then in System Properties then,
finally, in the environment


2009/10/28 Sander Sõnajalg <>

> Hi,
> I think this is more like a question to the as-admin CLI developers.. i'm
> not too sure which is the best list to post it to so i just sent it to dev
> and admin, hopefully that's okay : )
> Ok, I'm really in stuck with one thing, I'd really appreciate if someone
> could help me out on this one. Namely, i really need to set JVM options to
> the glassfish server THROUGH setting them into my system environment
> variables *before* invoking the asadmin. After digging around in your source
> code repo i'm quite convinced this should somehow be possible (e.g.
> So what i want to achieve would be something like this to work:
> $ export
> SOME_ARGUMENT_THAT_ASADMIN_WOULD_READ='-Dmy.framework.enabled=true'
> $ asadmin start-domain myDomain
> [and now myDomain starts with "java -jar blablabla
> -Dmy.framework.enabled=true"]
> How can i do this? I have really searched quite a bit for the solution, but
> not found it : //
> (The need for that kind of thing rises from extending your eclipse
> glassfish WTP plugin. I can make eclipse export my variable into the
> environment before executing the server. If you take a look at the
> implementation of the
> com.sun.enterprise.jst.server.sunappsrv.SunAppServerLaunch#launch(), you'll
> see that you haven't really left any room for third-party non-hack
> extensions to that plugin. I need to add a tab to the Eclipse WTP Glassfish
> launch configuration that would let the user set some additional JVM
> arguments, and making eclipse set them to the system environment really
> seems to be the only way.. in case even this path *is* doable, i.e. it is
> somehow possible to feed my arguments to asadmin like that.
> Any help greatly appreciated! : )
> Cheers,
> Sander