Specifying JVM options through environment variables

From: Sander Sõnajalg <>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 18:04:12 +0200


I think this is more like a question to the as-admin CLI developers.. i'm
not too sure which is the best list to post it to so i just sent it to dev
and admin, hopefully that's okay : )

Ok, I'm really in stuck with one thing, I'd really appreciate if someone
could help me out on this one. Namely, i really need to set JVM options to
the glassfish server THROUGH setting them into my system environment
variables *before* invoking the asadmin. After digging around in your source
code repo i'm quite convinced this should somehow be possible (e.g.
So what i want to achieve would be something like this to work:

$ export SOME_ARGUMENT_THAT_ASADMIN_WOULD_READ='-Dmy.framework.enabled=true'
$ asadmin start-domain myDomain
[and now myDomain starts with "java -jar blablabla

How can i do this? I have really searched quite a bit for the solution, but
not found it : //

(The need for that kind of thing rises from extending your eclipse glassfish
WTP plugin. I can make eclipse export my variable into the environment
before executing the server. If you take a look at the implementation of the
com.sun.enterprise.jst.server.sunappsrv.SunAppServerLaunch#launch(), you'll
see that you haven't really left any room for third-party non-hack
extensions to that plugin. I need to add a tab to the Eclipse WTP Glassfish
launch configuration that would let the user set some additional JVM
arguments, and making eclipse set them to the system environment really
seems to be the only way.. in case even this path *is* doable, i.e. it is
somehow possible to feed my arguments to asadmin like that.

Any help greatly appreciated! : )
