Help jars not present in nightly: here's what to do

From: Ed Burns <Ed.Burns_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 08:48:12 -0700

Hello Team,

While working on issue 9368: OLH is not working, Ken Paulsen and I
elected to check in the code that activates the new system ahead of the
build changes that cause the OSGi jar files that contain the content of
the help text to be in the

Until we complete this step you have to manually include the help jars
in your modules directory. There are two ways to do it.

1. Check out, build the jars, and install them yourself

svn checkout

cd v3-docs

mvn clean

mvn install

find . -name "*help.jar" -exec cp {} <MODULES_DIRECTORY> \; -print

2. Just grab a snapshot from [1] and unzip it in your modules directory.

Once you do either of these steps, the online help should work.

There are still a few issues but I'm working on this today and should
have them addressed.


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