Re: Which is the right domain.xml to update?

From: Jerome Dochez <Jerome.Dochez_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 10:07:38 -0700

I believe nucleus-base is not used anymore since we switched to create
domain during the build, but Snjezana should confirm.

of course the felix port will not apply to embedded, as you probably
already noticed.


On Oct 22, 2009, at 10:03 PM, Sahoo wrote:

> I have to add a -D property in domain.xml to add some felix
> configuration information and I am not sure which one to use. I see
> the following:
> find . -name domain.xml | grep -v target | grep -v test
> ./core/kernel/src/main/resources/org/glassfish/embed/domain.xml
> ./admin/server-mgmt/src/main/resources/lib/templates/domain.xml
> ./packager/nucleus-base/lib/templates/domain.xml
> The first one seem pretty obvious. but not the last two. I see
> people changing the second one occasionally where as the last one is
> updated pretty regularly. Can anyone comment when each of them is
> used?
> Thanks,
> Sahoo
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