Re: Help jars not present in nightly: here's what to do

From: Kim Haase <Camilla.Haase_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 15:26:42 -0400


I'm a little confused -- is the zip file that Ed posted on mediacast NOT
built from 3.0-b04?


On 10/28/09 12:29, Anissa Lam wrote:
> Thanks Ed for helping out with the Admin console OLH. We couldn't get
> this far without your help, THANKS.
> The help jar is published under the subdirectories with name ending in
> -help under
> eg,
> please pick up 3.0-b04 which is the latest set.
> Snjezanna will be bundling this in the nightly build soon, hopefully
> before end of this week, by then you won't have to install the help jars
> yourself.
> thanks
> Anissa.
> Ed Burns wrote:
>> Hello Team,
>> While working on issue 9368: OLH is not working, Ken Paulsen and I
>> elected to check in the code that activates the new system ahead of the
>> build changes that cause the OSGi jar files that contain the content of
>> the help text to be in the
>> Until we complete this step you have to manually include the help jars
>> in your modules directory. There are two ways to do it.
>> 1. Check out, build the jars, and install them yourself
>> svn checkout
>> cd v3-docs
>> mvn clean
>> mvn install
>> find . -name "*help.jar" -exec cp {} <MODULES_DIRECTORY> \; -print
>> 2. Just grab a snapshot from [1] and unzip it in your modules directory.
>> Once you do either of these steps, the online help should work.
>> There are still a few issues but I'm working on this today and should
>> have them addressed.
>> [1]
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