Re: Please review orb-connector/pom.xml (and osgi.bundle) changes

From: Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic <Snjezana.Sevo-Zenzerovic_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2009 12:33:21 -0700

There is also packager aspect of this. I just moved glassfish-codegen
packager module from full into web distribution as quick and dirty fix
to satisfy this new dependency but we may need to reconsider the way we
currently package glassfish-corba-* modules, especially if we try to
reduce number of modules.

This is the way we currently package glassfish-corba-* content, based on
Ken's original recommendations:

glassfish-corba-omgapi package contains glassfish-corba-omgapi - this
used to be the only package requried by web distribution.

glassfish-codegen contains glassfish-corba-codegen, glassfish-corba-asm
and glassfish-corba-orbgeneric.

glassfish-corba contains glassfish-corba-newtimer, glassfish-corba-orb
and glassfish-corba-csiv2-idl

Ken, since you say that glassfish-corba-orbgeneric does not have any
dependencies other than gmbal, would it make sense to move it into
glassfish-corba-omgapi package module and keep that the only package
required in web distribution? One thing that we generally tried to do is
to keep clean distribution boundaries, so web distribution should not
contain anything that is not really required.



Ken Cavanaugh wrote:
> Jerome Dochez wrote:
>> Mahesh Kannan wrote:
>>> Sahoo wrote:
>>>> Mahesh, dependencyManagement
>>>> Please use dependencyManagement in v3/pom.xml to specify the
>>>> versions of various corba artifacts and remove any such external
>>>> version from orb/*/pom.xml and send it for review.
>>> I have already checked in the changes since I got the approval from
>>> Jerome.
>>> However, I will make the suggested changes and send it for review
>>> tomorrow.
>>>> I am not sure about orb-connector exporting threadpool manager and
>>>> IIOPUtils. That is not what a connector module is supposed to be
>>>> used for.
>>> Ken / Jerome: Should we create a new module for these two classes?
>> I just checked the modules directory, we already have 7
>> glassfish-orb-xxx bundles and we have another 3 orb-xxx bundles so I
>> would rather avoid creating yet another one. What are the
>> dependencies of glassfish-corba-orbgeneric module ?
> glassfish-corba-orbgeneric depends only on gmbal (and eventually
> management-api), because the
> threadpool needs to expose some monitoring information. orbgeneric
> does not depend on any
> glassfish-corba-* or orb-* bundles.
> We could probably reduce the number of glassfish-corba-* bundles if
> desired, roughly as follows
> (I'm omitting the glassfish-corba to save typing):
> * asm could be replaced by the copy of ASM 3.x that is used
> elsewhere in GFv3
> * csiv2 and and omgapi could be combined, but note that the
> transactions code needs omgapi but not csiv2 even in the web
> container (csiv2 is only about 115K)
> * newtimer (51K), codegen (333K), and orbgeneric (145K) could be
> combined, but note that codegen is needed by the EJB container
> even when the ORB is not used, and orbgeneric (because of the
> threadpool) is needed in the webcontainer.
> * We could reduce to a orbutil bundle (around 530K), an api bundle
> (around 420K), and the orb bundle (1925K) at the cost of
> somewhat increasing the footprint of the EJB without ORB and web
> only scenarious.
> I'm not sure if we could reduce the orb-* bundles. Perhaps this could
> be moved from 3 to 2, but I don't think we could
> get to 1 bundle there.
> Ken.
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