Re: is quicklook working right now?

From: Richard S. Hall <>
Date: Fri, 09 Oct 2009 23:52:04 +0200

On 10/9/09 23:41, Bill Shannon wrote:
> Bill Shannon wrote on 10/08/09 15:42:
>> I just updated my workspace, built everything from scratch, and
>> quicklook
>> is failing pretty dramatically. Yes, it might be the few changes I have
>> in my workspace, but before I waste hours figuring this out, is it
>> working
>> for anyone else?
> Just FYI, I figured out what my problem was.
> In the process of debugging this, I had changed my ulimit for the number
> of open files from 256 to 512. What I failed to realize at the time was
> that 256 was the soft limit and the hard limit was 65535. My change
> changed *both* limits to 512. I guess the JVM is smart enough to raise
> the soft limit as needed.
> Apparently the server needs to open more than 512 files *simultaneously*!
> (Or maybe it's quicklook/maven/ant.)
> Wow!
> I won't be surprised if someone is forgetting to close files/resources,
> but that's a problem for another day.

For Felix, we hold open the bundle JAR file, so if we have 200 bundles,
that's 200 open files. At some point, if we start reaching limits, we
can start some sort of aging process to start closing files and
reopening them on demand.

-> richard

> Resetting the ulimit allowed quicklook to run.
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