doc question

From: Vince Kraemer <Vince.Kraemer_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2009 13:43:25 -0700

I am looking at
(which I get from It looks
like this doc is going to be "the doc" for the upcoming v3 release.

I am looking at 'Making the JDBC Driver JAR Files Accessible' on page 238.

In that section, I read "To integrate the JDBC driver into an Enterprise
Server domain, copy the JAR files into the
domain-dir/lib directory, then restart the server. "

I thought I had heard that this should read "To integrate the JDBC
driver into an Enterprise Server domain, copy the JAR files into the
domain-dir/lib/ext directory, then restart the server. "

was I just hearing things or does the doc need to be corrected?
