Re: Please review orb-connector/pom.xml (and osgi.bundle) changes

From: Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic <Snjezana.Sevo-Zenzerovic_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2009 14:12:53 -0700


AFAIK, glassfish-corba-omgapi is truly necessary (and has always been in
the web distribution). As per my proposal below I think we can move
glassfish-corba-orbgeneric module jar to glassfish-corba-omgapi
package, revert package reshuffling changes and these two will be only
two remaining corba jars in the web distribution.



Jerome Dochez wrote:
> ok so after this shuffling happened, we now have too many corba
> related modules in web distribution :
> I can see these two new ones :
> -rw-r--r-- 1 dochez staff 345264 Oct 21 13:22 glassfish-corba-asm.jar
> -rw-r--r-- 1 dochez staff 332683 Oct 21 13:22
> glassfish-corba-codegen.jar
> why do we need this in the web distribution, Ken is it really
> necessary to have omgapi in web distribution ?
> -rw-r--r-- 1 dochez staff 306621 Oct 21 13:22
> glassfish-corba-omgapi.jar
> thanks, jerome
> On Oct 21, 2009, at 12:33 PM, Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic wrote:
>> There is also packager aspect of this. I just moved glassfish-codegen
>> packager module from full into web distribution as quick and dirty
>> fix to satisfy this new dependency but we may need to reconsider the
>> way we currently package glassfish-corba-* modules, especially if we
>> try to reduce number of modules.
>> This is the way we currently package glassfish-corba-* content, based
>> on Ken's original recommendations:
>> glassfish-corba-omgapi package contains glassfish-corba-omgapi -
>> this used to be the only package requried by web distribution.
>> glassfish-codegen contains glassfish-corba-codegen,
>> glassfish-corba-asm and glassfish-corba-orbgeneric.
>> glassfish-corba contains glassfish-corba-newtimer,
>> glassfish-corba-orb and glassfish-corba-csiv2-idl
>> Ken, since you say that glassfish-corba-orbgeneric does not have any
>> dependencies other than gmbal, would it make sense to move it into
>> glassfish-corba-omgapi package module and keep that the only package
>> required in web distribution? One thing that we generally tried to do
>> is to keep clean distribution boundaries, so web distribution should
>> not contain anything that is not really required.
>> Thanks,
>> Snjezana
>> Ken Cavanaugh wrote:
>>> Jerome Dochez wrote:
>>>> Mahesh Kannan wrote:
>>>>> Sahoo wrote:
>>>>>> Mahesh, dependencyManagement
>>>>>> Please use dependencyManagement in v3/pom.xml to specify the
>>>>>> versions of various corba artifacts and remove any such external
>>>>>> version from orb/*/pom.xml and send it for review.
>>>>> I have already checked in the changes since I got the approval
>>>>> from Jerome.
>>>>> However, I will make the suggested changes and send it for review
>>>>> tomorrow.
>>>>>> I am not sure about orb-connector exporting threadpool manager
>>>>>> and IIOPUtils. That is not what a connector module is supposed to
>>>>>> be used for.
>>>>> Ken / Jerome: Should we create a new module for these two classes?
>>>> I just checked the modules directory, we already have 7
>>>> glassfish-orb-xxx bundles and we have another 3 orb-xxx bundles so
>>>> I would rather avoid creating yet another one. What are the
>>>> dependencies of glassfish-corba-orbgeneric module ?
>>> glassfish-corba-orbgeneric depends only on gmbal (and eventually
>>> management-api), because the
>>> threadpool needs to expose some monitoring information. orbgeneric
>>> does not depend on any
>>> glassfish-corba-* or orb-* bundles.
>>> We could probably reduce the number of glassfish-corba-* bundles if
>>> desired, roughly as follows
>>> (I'm omitting the glassfish-corba to save typing):
>>> * asm could be replaced by the copy of ASM 3.x that is used
>>> elsewhere in GFv3
>>> * csiv2 and and omgapi could be combined, but note that the
>>> transactions code needs omgapi but not csiv2 even in the web
>>> container (csiv2 is only about 115K)
>>> * newtimer (51K), codegen (333K), and orbgeneric (145K) could be
>>> combined, but note that codegen is needed by the EJB container
>>> even when the ORB is not used, and orbgeneric (because of the
>>> threadpool) is needed in the webcontainer.
>>> * We could reduce to a orbutil bundle (around 530K), an api bundle
>>> (around 420K), and the orb bundle (1925K) at the cost of
>>> somewhat increasing the footprint of the EJB without ORB and web
>>> only scenarious.
>>> I'm not sure if we could reduce the orb-* bundles. Perhaps this
>>> could be moved from 3 to 2, but I don't think we could
>>> get to 1 bundle there.
>>> Ken.
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