Re: source integration question (javahelp)

From: Jane Young <Jane.Young_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 02 Oct 2009 05:03:59 -0700

Hi Bobby,

Bobby Bissett wrote:
>> Bobby Bissett wrote:
>>>> You don't need to use maven. You can use any tools you like and
>>>> use ant's "exec" task to invoke them. But you'll need to let
>>>> me/Terena know what tools are needed to build your module so we can
>>>> set it up in the build system. You can either note that in
>>>> or
>>>> add that in the module xml file.
>>> But I can't do that either since the build.xml file explicitly
>>> downloads zip files from the web (including a tomcat zip), unzips
>>> them, and uses those classes at build time. So I can't build the
>>> dependencies and then use them to build javahelp, which is the
>>> intent of the instructions.
>> I don't understand... you mean to build javahelp, you'll need the
>> Apache Tomcat container?
> The javahelp build.xml depends on downloading a specific zip file of
> tomcat. To get rid of that, we have to change the way javahelp is
> built. I'd send a link to the build.xml, but, well, what's the point
> right now? I've included a section of build.xml at the end of the email.
If we can change the way javahelp is built, that will be good. (I
know... you're asking about porting. See my response below.)
>> Let's start with first level dependency and just buid javahelp for now.
>> Can you list the dependencies that are required to build javahelp
>> here:
>> and we can determine if we need source for those.
> The dependencies are:
> And, as a bonus, there's a note in build.xml saying that if the above
> jdic url doesn't work, download manually from another location, add
> the zip to a certain directory, and rebuild.
> I can't put the above into the format you'd like on the external
> dependencies page. :)
We don't want to manually download the zip file. What are these zip
I tried to download and it failed with "ERROR
404: Not Found." Since this dependency does not exist, then building
javahelp will fail? So, if you can change the build such that it
doesn't depend on this, that will be good.
And looks like a Windows specific
dependency. Do we need a Windows system to compile this? Again, if you
don't need to depend on this, that will be good.
>>>> Is javahelp in an Sun controlled SCM repository. If it is then
>>>> there's no need to port the source over to glassfish's svn external
>>>> repository.
>>> Yes it is, thus my question -- if it weren't in, I'd just
>>> port the sources. Javahelp can not be built from source, including
>>> dependencies, unless I change the way it's built. (Or unless we want
>>> to control some parts of, heh heh.) But if I can't change
>>> the way it builds unless I port the sources, right?
>> That's right. If it's not in or kenai then please port the
>> sources. You can change the way it's built. GlassFish v3 build will
>> depend on the binaries from the source build instead of from an
>> external maven repository.
Yes, you can change the way it's built. And if you have to port the
source to GlassFish external in order to change the build, then
yes please do so. Please also include the version that you are porting
in the format as external/module/<module-name>/<version> (e.g.

GlassFish v3 build will eventually depend on the javahelp artifact built
from this source.

> Let me try asking another way: what if I have to change the way it's
> built *and* it's in
Hope I answered your question this time :-)


>> HTH,
> Getting closer. :)
> Cheers,
> Bobby
> p.s. section of build.xml:
> <target name="unpack-jdic-jar" description="Download JDIC Jar"
> unless="jdic-jar-present"
> depends="download-jdic-zip">
> <unzip src="${jdic-zip}" dest="${}"/>
> <copy failonerror="true"
> file="${}/jdic-"
> tofile="${jdic-jar}"/>
> </target>
> <target name="download-jdic-zip" unless="jdic-zip-present">
> <echo>
> Downloading JDIC. If you get an error like 'Server redirected too
> many times' download it manually from
> Then copy the zip file to ${jdic-zip} and re-build
> </echo>
> <get
> src=""
> dest="${jdic-zip}"/>
> </target>
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