Re: URGENT: Ming Zhang: Changes to QL Build Scripts For Web Beans With SecurityManager Enabled

From: Ming Zhang <Ming.Zhang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 01 Oct 2009 11:44:10 -0700

Hi Roger,

The changes overall look good to me except one suggestion: can you add
"add-quicklook-policy-grants" and "remove-quicklook-policy-grants"
targets to gfproject/db-targets.xml instead of gfproject/v3-targets.xml?
There will be no need to import gfproject/v3-targets.xml in top level
quicklook/build.xml in this way and this will avoid a QL reference
problem during deployment (I'll need to fix this).


Roger Kitain wrote:
> Hello Ming,
> Please review these changes to allow Web Beans QuickLook test to run
> with SecurityManager enabled:
> A webbeans/numberguess/numberguess.policy
> - Contains a single grant that lets the test
> run when the security manager is enabled.
> M build.xml
> - import v3-targets.xml
> - added Web Beans test to both testng (already in testng_gd.xml).
> M testng.xml
> - added Web Beans test to this suite
> M gfproject/v3-targets.xml
> - targets for adding / removing policy grants
> SECTION: Diffs
> Index: webbeans/numberguess/numberguess.policy
> ===================================================================
> --- webbeans/numberguess/numberguess.policy (revision 0)
> +++ webbeans/numberguess/numberguess.policy (revision 0)
> @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
> +
> +grant codeBase
> "file:${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/applications/numberguess/-" {
> + permission java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission
> "suppressAccessChecks";
> +};
> Index: build.xml
> ===================================================================
> --- build.xml (revision 32118)
> +++ build.xml (working copy)
> @@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
> <property file=""/>
> <property file="${basedir}/gfproject/"/>
> <import file="${basedir}/gfproject/db-targets.xml"/>
> + <import file="${basedir}/gfproject/v3-targets.xml"/>
> <description>Builds, tests, and runs the project V3
> Quicklook</description>
> <!-- target name="all_wd" depends="clean" -->
> @@ -63,6 +64,7 @@
> <target name="all_wd_security" depends="clean">
> <record name="allrun.output" action="start"/>
> + <antcall target="add-quicklook-policy-grants" />
> <property name="env.security_manager" value="ON"/>
> <antcall target="start_server_with_security_manager_enabled" />
> @@ -73,6 +75,7 @@
> <antcall target="undeploy"/>
> <antcall target="quicklook-summary"/>
> + <antcall target="remove-quicklook-policy-grants" />
> <antcall target="stop_server_with_security_manager_enabled" />
> <antcall target="testng-summary"/>
> @@ -121,6 +124,7 @@
> <!-- Target for testing glassfish distribution (containing EJB) -->
> <target name="all_gd_security" depends="clean">
> <record name="allrun.output" action="start"/>
> + <antcall target="add-quicklook-policy-grants" />
> <property name="env.security_manager" value="ON"/>
> <antcall target="start-derby"/>
> <antcall target="start-server-felix"/>
> @@ -134,6 +138,7 @@
> <antcall target="undeploy"/>
> <antcall target="undeploy-gd"/>
> <antcall target="quicklook-summary"/>
> + <antcall target="remove-quicklook-policy-grants" />
> <antcall target="disable-security-manager"/>
> <antcall target="stop-server"/>
> <antcall target="stop-derby"/>
> @@ -172,6 +177,7 @@
> <ant dir="ejb/slsbnicmt" target="build-deploy"/>
> <ant dir="ejb/sfulnoi" target="build-deploy"/>
> <ant dir="bean-validator/simple-bv-servlet"
> target="build-deploy"/>
> + <ant dir="webbeans/numberguess" target="build-deploy"/>
> <record name="build.output" action="stop"/>
> </target>
> @@ -182,7 +188,6 @@
> <ant dir="ejb/cmp" target="build-deploy"/>
> <ant dir="ejb/mdb" target="build"/>
> <ant dir="wsit/JaxwsFromWsdl" target="build-deploy"/>
> - <ant dir="webbeans/numberguess" target="build-deploy"/>
> </target>
> <target name="undeploy">
> @@ -197,6 +202,7 @@
> <ant dir="ejb/slsbnicmt" target="undeploy"/>
> <ant dir="ejb/sfulnoi" target="undeploy"/>
> <ant dir="bean-validator/simple-bv-servlet" target="undeploy"/>
> + <ant dir="webbeans/numberguess" target="undeploy"/>
> <record name="undeploy.output" action="stop"/>
> </target>
> @@ -205,7 +211,6 @@
> <ant dir="ejb/remoteview" target="undeploy"/>
> <ant dir="ejb/cmp" target="undeploy"/>
> <ant dir="wsit/JaxwsFromWsdl" target="undeploy"/>
> - <ant dir="webbeans/numberguess" target="undeploy"/>
> </target>
> Index: testng.xml
> ===================================================================
> --- testng.xml (revision 32118)
> +++ testng.xml (working copy)
> @@ -114,6 +114,11 @@
> <class name="" />
> </classes>
> </test>
> + <test name="webbeans_numberguess">
> + <classes>
> + <class name="test.web.numberguess.NumberGuessTestNG" />
> + </classes>
> + </test>
> <test name="asadmin_tests">
> <classes>
> <class name="test.admin.JvmOptionTests"/>
> Index: gfproject/v3-targets.xml
> ===================================================================
> --- gfproject/v3-targets.xml (revision 32022)
> +++ gfproject/v3-targets.xml (working copy)
> @@ -84,6 +84,22 @@
> <echo message="${message1}"/>
> </target>
> +<target name="add-quicklook-policy-grants">
> + <move file="${glassfish.home}/domains/domain1/config/server.policy"
> +
> tofile="${glassfish.home}/domains/domain1/config/server_policy.orig"/>
> + <concat append="true"
> +
> destfile="${glassfish.home}/domains/domain1/config/server.policy">
> + <fileset
> file="${glassfish.home}/domains/domain1/config/server_policy.orig"/>
> + <fileset file="${basedir}/webbeans/numberguess/numberguess.policy"/>
> + </concat>
> +</target>
> +
> +<target name="remove-quicklook-policy-grants">
> + <delete
> file="${glassfish.home}/domains/domain1/config/server.policy"/>
> + <move
> file="${glassfish.home}/domains/domain1/config/server_policy.orig"
> +
> tofile="${glassfish.home}/domains/domain1/config/server.policy"/>
> +</target>
> +
> <target name="jrubyHomeCon"
> depends="setOSConditions,asenv-unix,asenv-windows">
> <echo message="asconf ${asenv_conf}"/>
> <loadfile property="asconf_jruby" srcfile="${asenv_conf}"
> failonerror="false">