BLAF Guidelines Update History

Art Direction Language

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Ancillary Graphic Style

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Ancillary Graphic Repository

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BLAF User Definitions: Professional vs. Self Service

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Browser and System Requirements

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Color Palette and Color Usage

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Help Methods

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HTML Frame Options

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Information About Abbreviations

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Information About Accessibility

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Keyboard Shortcuts

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Language in UI

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Language: Page Titles and Breadcrumbs

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Overview of Partial Page Rendering (PPR)

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Overview of Personalization and Setup

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Save Model

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Text and CSS Standards

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Buttons (Action/Navigation)

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Browse Menu

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Calculator Component

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Calendar Views

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Color Picker

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Content Containers in Page

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Contextual Information

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Common Formats

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Date Picker

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Graphical Status Meter

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HGrid (Hierarchy Grid or Tree Table)

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BLAF Icon Repository

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Inline Messaging and Tips

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Instruction Text

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Key Notation

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Locator Element: Breadcrumbs

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Locator Element: Record and Page Navigation

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Locator Element: Train

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Message Box

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Page Contents Bottom Line

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Page Footer

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Page Stamps

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Quick Links

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"Related" Links/Shortcuts

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Separator Line

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Standard Web Widgets

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Switchers: Applications and Context

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Table Navigation/Action Methods

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About Page Template

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Attachment Page Templates

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Batch Detail Mode and Batch Processing Templates

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Browse Page Templates

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Browser Incompatibility Template

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Checklist Templates

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Common Actions Templates

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Compare Objects Page Templates

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Component Order (Vertical Layout)

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Content Layout Templates

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Export/Import Templates

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Global Page Templates

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Home Page Template

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Long Page(Multiple Sections) Template

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LOV (List of Values) Template

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Master/Detail Templates

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Messaging Templates

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Notification Page Templates

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Object Templates

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Object List Templates

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Overview Page Template

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Introduction to BLAF Templates

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Personalization of Views (Tables and HGrids)

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Preview and Printable Page Templates

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Privacy Statement Page Templates

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Processing Templates

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Scheduling Templates

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Search and Query Templates

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Search and Query Flows

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1 Step Page Template (Transactional Page or Form)

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2 Step Process/2 Page Object Template

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Step by Step (3[+] Steps) Page Templates (Linear Process)

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Tree Page Templates

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Attachments Flows

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Browse Page Flows

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Checklist Flows

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Compare Flows

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Export/Import Flows

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Global Flow: Contact Us

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Global Flow: Help System

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Global Flow: Login/Logout

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Global Flow: Preferences

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Global Flow: Return to Portal

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HGrid Flows

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Interapplication Navigation

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Intraapplication Navigation

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Master/Detail Page Flows

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Messaging Flows

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Notifications Flow

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Page Flows (Introduction to BLAF Flows)

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Personalization of Tables (Display and Data) Flow

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Preview and Printable Page Flow

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Step by Step Page Flows

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Table Flows

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Tree Page Flows

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BLAF Glossary

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