Global Button Flow: Help System

Last Updated 09.28.03

General Description

The Help flow allows a user to navigate (via a global Help button) to a global area containing help for the application. An application may also contain contextual help links within the content, allowing the user to instantly navigate to a specific topic in the Help system.

Help may simply be a page or few pages with help material or a full Help System. The common Help system used with BLAF applications is OHW - Oracle Help for Web (Equivalent Java implementation: OHJ - Oracle Help for Java)

Guideline Attributes

Spec Version # - 3.1
Spec Contributors - Betsy Beier, Craig Louis
UI Models - all models
Example Products - all products
Related Guidelines - Global Buttons, Global Page Templates, Help Methods

Interaction and Usage Specifications

General Principles

Templates Used within Flow

Common Initiation Points or Start Points to Flow

See the Global Page Templates Guideline for interaction and usage specifications for this template.

Visual Specifications

The Help flow can be started in two ways, by selecting a Global Help Button, or by selecting an inline contextual Help link (See Context-sensitive Help in the Help Methods guideline for valid usage).

Help Launched from Global Help Button

When the Global Help button is selected, Help is launched in a secondary browser window in kiosk mode, starting at the Help Contents page, and providing access to the full Help System for the application.

Flow Schematic: Help Launched from Global Help Button
Help Flow - Launched from Global Help button

Help Launched from Contextual Help Link

When a contextual Help link is selected, Help is launched in a secondary browser window in kiosk mode, starting at the Help topic page appropriate to the context of the link location in the application.

Flow Schematic: Help Launched through Contextual Link
Help Flow - Launched from contextual Help link

Open/Closed Issues