Personalization (Display and Data) of Tables Flow

Last Updated 09.30.02

General Description

This guideline provides an overall schema of a task flow to allow a user to personalize his/her data and display of a table within an application. The flow is made up of basic BLAF templates and flows yet adapted with specific content. For details regarding each template, see Personalization of Table (Display/Data) Templates.

Guideline Attributes

Spec Version # - 3.1
Spec Contributors - Betsy Beier
UI Models - all
Example Products - all
Related Guidelines - Personalization of Table (Display/Data) Templates, Search/Query Templates, Table Guideline

Interaction and Usage Specifications

Templates Used within Flow

Diagram of Personalization of Tables (Display and Data) Flow Below is a flow of how all the templates within user personalization of tables fit together. For more details regarding each template, see Personalization of Table (Display/Data) Templates.

Open/Closed Issues