Table Flows

Last Updated 20-Mar-2004

General Description

The many common flows associated with Tables are described in this BLAF Guideline. In general, all Object Template guidelines apply to these flows. See the related guidelines listed in the General Principles section.

Guideline Contents

Guideline Attributes

Spec Version # - 3.1
Spec Contributors - Betsy Beier, Craig Louis, Mervyn Dennehy, Ivy Leung
UI Models - all models
Example Products - all products
Related Guidelines - Table, Warning (Messaging) Template, Object Templates, Object List Template(s), 1 Step Transaction Template, 2 Step Process, 3[+] Step by Step Templates, HGrid Flows, Icon Repository for BLAF

Interaction and Usage Specifications

General Principles

In general, all Object Template guidelines apply to these flows, see Object Templates for all options.
Other directly related guidelines include:

References to Global table buttons in this guideline refer to non-selection dependant Act/Nav controls in the table Control Bar. See Tables Guideline: Table Control Bar for more information on selection dependent and non-selection dependent table controls.

Other Related Guidelines

Manipulate Data within a Table

Add a Row

Add a Row allows a user to add a row to an Object List (or table). The different methods for accomplishing this as well as the heuristics for choosing the appropriate method are described in the following sections.

Section Contents

Add a Row Using the Create Template

The Create template method should be used to add a row when:

This method is described in detail in the Create section later in this guideline.

"Add a Row" Button within Object List

The Add a Row button should be used within an object list when:

Note: If 'Add Another Row' results in blank leftover rows when submitting the page, those blank rows will be removed the next time the server is hit.

Add a Row Flow
Add a Row Flow

For full details on this method, see Tables Guideline: Add Row(s) to a Table.

Add a Row from an LOV

When the intent is to add a row from an existing list of objects, use an LOV. For details, see the LOV (List of Values) Template Guideline.

Add a Row Inline

Add a Row Inline should be used when:

Add a Row Inline Flow
Add a Row Inline Flow


Create allows a user to create a new object and view the resulting changes within the Object List.

The Create template is the same as the Update Template except the fields/tables/etc on the page may be pre-populated based on default settings. Where defaults are not appropriate, there is no data in the widget.

There are multiple options for the create template. A create process may be one or multiple linear steps or it may be divided into multiple (non-linear) logical sections using the side navigation. (Images showing all the varied options will be added.)

  1. Object List
    1. Click the "Create" global table button.
  2. Object Template
    1. The Object Template is displayed with blank fields (some fields may contain default values).
    2. Fill out the template, then click the "Apply" button
  3. Object List
    1. The Object List is displayed with the created object.

Create Flow

Create Another

Create Another allows a user to create multiple new objects and view the resulting changes within the Object List.

  1. Object List
    1. Click the "Create" global table button.
  2. Object Template
    1. The Object Template is displayed with blank fields (some fields may contain default values). (Note: This page is sometimes just a subset of the full object, allowing the user to quickly define the base attributes without having to fill out all the object properties. Typically this approach is taken when creating a full object may take several hours or even days. The "base" attributes on the page should be the most frequently used fields, and/or all the required field necessary to define the object.)
    2. Fill out the template, then click the "Create Another" button.
  3. Object Template with Confirmation
    1. The Object Template is displayed with a confirmation message box indicating that a new object was created.
    2. For each additional object that must be created, fill out the template and click the "Create Another" button.
    3. When no more objects must be created, click the "Apply" button.
  4. Object List
    1. The Object List is displayed with the created objects.

Create Another Flow
Create Another Flow

Quick Create

Quick Create is a less frequently used method to create a new object while within another process, or in the midst of performing another transaction. Quick Create is only used to create objects that are subordinate to or related to the primary task/action.

For example if a user is entering a transaction, and needs to assign it to an account, but existing accounts are not a good match, the user could Quick Create an account to be able to complete the transaction.

  1. Page within a Process/Action
    1. Click the "Quick Create" action/navigation button.
  2. Quick Create Object Template
    1. The Quick Create Template is displayed with a subset of the object's fields that includes all required fields (some fields may contain default values):
    2. After filling out the Quick Create template fields, click the "Apply" button
  3. Originating Page within the Process/Action
    1. The originating page contains an inline confirmation message:
    2. Unless it is obvious to the application's users, or the user has already completed the additional fields as described above, consider adding the following informational text to the Confirmation message:


Duplicate allows a user to duplicate an existing object and view the resulting changes within the Object List. Duplication can be performed inline, or on a separate Duplicate Template page.

Section Contents

Duplication Using the Duplicate Template

The Duplicate Template is the same as the Update Template except that fields/table/etc. on the page are pre-populated based on settings of the object that is being duplicated. The field that contains the name of object should be pre-populated with "Copy of [ObjectName]" so the original object is not overwritten. This is the preferred method of duplication when an object has many required or significant fields.

  1. Object List
    1. Select the row containing the object to be duplicated and click the "Duplicate" control bar button.
    2. Alternatively, click the "Duplicate" icon appearing in the row that contains the object to be duplicated.
  2. Object Template
    1. The Object Template is displayed showing all fields populated with contents of selected object. The object name field should read "Copy of X", where X is the name of the original object.
    2. Make any necessary edits to the template, then click the "Apply" button.
  3. Object List with confirmation message
    1. The Object List is displayed with the original and duplicate object, and a confirmation message.

Duplication using Duplicate Template Flow
Duplication using Duplicate Template Flow

Duplication Inline

When duplication is performed inline, a new row is inserted above the current or selected row. The new row contains updateable fields that are pre-populated with duplicate data. The primary field in the new row contains the text "Copy of {ObjectName}". Consider using inline duplication when:

  1. Object List
    1. Select the row containing the object to be duplicated and click the "Duplicate" control bar button.
    2. Alternatively, click the "Duplicate" icon appearing in the row that contains the object to be duplicated.
  2. Object List
    1. A new row is inserted above the original row. The new row's fields are pre-populated with the data from the original row, except that the object name field reads "Copy of {ObjectName}".
    2. The row selector and any functional icons in the new row are disabled (until the user clicks the page-level Apply button).
    3. Rename the object and make any necessary edits to the other fields.
  3. Object List
    1. The Object List is displayed with the original and duplicate object (the duplicate object's row selector and functional icons remain disabled).
    2. Duplicate other objects as needed, then click the page level "Apply" button to confirm all changes to the object list.
  4. Object List

Note: When duplicating an object inline, users can only update object attributes that appear in the object list. After they click the page level Apply button to save the duplicated object, they can use an Update button or Update icon to navigate to an object page containing all of the object's attributes.

Inline Duplication Flow
Inline Duplication Flow


Delete allows a user to delete an object and view the resulting changes within the Object List. When dependencies or certain other conditions are present, Warning Message Page display should be considered.

Section Contents

Delete from Object List

  1. Object List
    1. Select the row containing the object to be deleted and click the "Delete" control bar button.
    2. Alternatively, click the "Delete" icon appearing in the row that contains the object to be deleted.
  2. Warning Message Page may be displayed depending on context. See Use of Warning Messages below for details.
  3. Object List
    1. The Object List is displayed with the deleted object omitted.

Delete from Object List - Flow
Delete from Object List Flow

Delete from Object Template

  1. Object List
    1. Select the object and click Update to go to the updateable object template.
    2. Select the object name hyperlink to go to the read-only object template.
  2. Object Template
    1. Click the page level Delete button.
  3. Object List
    1. The Object List appears without the deleted object, and the page includes a confirmation message.

Delete from Object Template - Flow
Delete from Object Template Flow

Use of Warning Messages

Depending on context, Warning message pages may need to be displayed when a user attempts to delete one or more objects. However, Warning messages can be annoying to professional users, by increasing the number of steps required to perform an operation, so designers must carefully evaluate the requirements below to determine whether or not to use a Warning message.

A Warning message should be provided if any of the following conditions are present:

If ALL of the following conditions are present, do not use a Warning message:

Note: Warning message pages should list all objects being deleted, as well as any data dependencies.


Update allows a user to update an object and view the resulting changes within the Object List.

Section Contents

Update and View Results

The content on the template should be divided into logical sections, with each section named appropriate to the content it quantifies. The template may have many sections, when there are more than 4 sections, Quick Links should be considered. If the page is very long, or there are dependencies within the data that makes up the object, it may be broken into multiple pages. Possible other designs may be: use of side navigation, subtabs, one of the step by step flows. See Object Templates for more options.

The page may have label/data information and/or an updateable table depending on the object that is being updated.

  1. Object List
    1. Select the row containing the object to update and click the "Update" control bar button.
    2. Alternatively, click the "Update" icon appearing in the row that contains the object to be updated.
  2. Object Template:
    1. The fields of the Object Template are populated with the contents of the object.
    2. Make any changes to the template, then click the "Apply" button.
  3. Object List
    1. The Object List is displayed with the updated object.

Update Flow
Update Flow

Update Object Inline on Object List

Update Object Inline on Object List allows a user to update an object and view the resulting changes from the same page.

  1. Object List
    1. The Object List is displayed with updateable fields.
    2. Make any changes and click the "Apply" button.
    3. The Object List is displayed with the updated object.

Update Object Inline on Object List Flow
Update Object Inline on Object List Flow

Simultaneously Update Objects Inline (Batch Processing: Set)

Users can simultaneously update a property for multiple objects inline. They can set all rows within of an Object List to a specific column value (an inline property), and view the resulting changes within the Object List.

  1. Object List
    1. The Object List is displayed with:
      1. At least one column with updateable fields.
      2. A drop down choice list in the control bar labeled "Set X," where X is the header of the updateable column.
      3. A "Go" button in the control bar.
    2. Select the desired value from the choice list and click the "Go" button.
    3. The Object List is displayed with the updated object.
For example images and details on this flow, see the Batch Detail and Batch Processing guideline.

Manipulate Table View


Tables can provide different options to sort their contents, as described in the following sections.

Section Contents

Sort Without Selection

Sort Without Selection allows a user to sort all objects within an Object List according to their values in a specified column.

  1. Object List
    1. The headings of sortable columns appear raised within the Object List.
    2. Click a sortable column heading.
    3. The Object List appears sorted ascending by the selected heading.
    4. An upward triangle appears right justified within the selected heading.
    5. Re-select a sortable column heading to toggle the sort between ascending and descending order, which is depicted respectively by the upward and downward direction of the triangle.

Sort Without Selection Flow
Sort Without Selection Flow

Sort With Single Selection

Sort With Single Selection allows a user to view a selected object in the context of its position within a sorted Object List.

  1. Object List
    1. The headings of sortable columns appear raised within the Object List.
    2. Select a single object of interest.
    3. Click a sortable column heading.
    4. The Object List appears sorted ascending by the selected heading.
    5. An upward triangle appears right justified within the selected heading.
    6. The selected object row remains in view. (Data is sorted, and selected object is within the displayed record set.)
    7. Re-select a sortable column heading to toggle the sort between ascending and descending order, which is depicted respectively by the upward and downward direction of the triangle. The selected object row remains in view regardless of the chosen order.

Sort With Single Selection Flow
Sort With Single Selection Flow

Sort With Multiple Selection

Sort With Multiple Selection allows a user to view several selected objects in the context of their positions within a sorted Object List.

  1. Object List
    1. The headings of sortable columns appear raised within the Object List.
    2. Select the check boxes in the Selection Column for multiple objects of interest.
    3. Click a sortable column heading.
    4. The Object List appears sorted ascending by the selected heading.
    5. An upward triangle appears right justified within the selected heading.
    6. The first selected object row to occur within the sorted order always appears in view in the record set. Other selected object rows may appear in view provided they are visible within the constrains of the sorted order.
    7. Re-select a sortable column heading to toggle the sort between ascending and descending order, which is depicted respectively by the upward and downward direction of the triangle. Regardless of the chosen order, the first selected object row to occur in the sorted order always appears in view.

Sort With Multiple Selection Flow
Sort With Multiple Selection Flow

Sort by Multiple Columns

Sort by Multiple Columns allows a user to sort an Object List by multiple column values and view the resulting changes within the Object List.

  1. Object List
    1. Click the "Multiple Sort" global table button.
  2. Multiple Sort
    1. The Multiple Sort page is displayed.
    2. Select the order of which columns to be sorted (either by first, second, or third sort) and then sort order (ascending, descending, no sort order) for each column heading, then click the "Apply" button.
  3. Object List
    1. The Object List is displayed with objects sorted by the specified criteria.
    2. A triangle Column Sort icon appears right justified within the column heading designated as "First Sort." The triangle points upward or downward depending on whether the specified sort order was ascending or descending, respectively.
    3. No other sorted column heading is displayed with a triangle.

For more on the Column Sort icon, see Tables Guideline: Functional Icons in Column Header that Affect a Data Column

Sort by Multiple Columns Flow
Sort by Multiple Columns Flow

Sort by Multiple Columns Flow (Close-Up)
Sort by Multiple Columns Flow (Close-Up)

Reorder (Rows)

Reorder allows a user to change the displayed order of rows within an Object List. Using this method, the flow takes the user to the Reorder Template, where they can rapidly rearrange row order without waiting for page reload of the whole object list. The entire object list appears in the new order only after the user submits it in the Reorder Template.

Consider using the Reorder Template when the position of individual objects within a list is significant to the user, and Sort functionality does not provide a fine enough level of control.

  1. Object List
    1. Click the "Reorder" non-selection dependent table button.
  2. Reorder Template
    1. Use the Reorder component to select an object row and move it up or down within the Object List and click the "Apply" button.
  3. Object List
    1. The Object List is displayed with the order of the object rows specified in the Reorder Template.

Reorder Flow
Reorder Flow

Move Row

Move Row allows a user to move a single row up or down, one row at a time in an object list. Unlike the previous Reorder Rows method, this method allows users to perform the rearrangement without leaving the object list page. Consider using Move Row when the position of individual objects within a list is significant to the user, and Sort functionality does not provide a fine enough level of control.

Move Row can be implemented using either a pair of functional icon columns (Move Up, Move Down), or with selection dependent action buttons in the table control bar, as discussed in the following sections:

Section Contents

Row Level Functional Icons in Move Up / Move Down Columns

Selection Dependent Control Bar Action Buttons

Move Row Flow

  1. Object List
    1. Click a Move Up or Move Down row icon, OR
    2. Select a row, and click the "Move Up" or "Move Down" control bar button.
  2. Object List
    1. The Row moves up or down one position.

Move Row Using Functional Icons - Flow
Move Row Using Functional Icons Flow

Move Row Using Selection-Dependent Table Buttons - Flow
Move Row Using Selection-Dependent Table Buttons Flow

Resize Columns

Users can resize column widths in a table to adjust data display. Column resize can be provided as a standalone feature, or as part of the table personalization process. In both cases, column resize can be performed in one of two ways, depending on browser capabilities and accessibility requirements:

For details on column resize behavior and constraints, see Resizing Columns in the Tables guideline. For details on table personalization, see Personalization of Views (Tables and HGrids).

Reorder Columns

Users can reorder columns in a table to adjust data display. Column reorder can be provided as a standalone feature, or as part of the extensive HGrid personalization process. In both cases, column reorder can be performed in one of two ways, depending on browser capabilities and accessibility requirements:

Note: Users cannot change the position of a table's Selection Column or its Primary Object Column. In most languages, primary objects always appear either in the left-most column position, or immediately to the right of the selection column. In BiDi languages the primary object column and selection column appear on the right.

For details on column reorder behavior and constraints, see Reordering Columns in the Tables guideline. For details on table personalization, see Personalization of Views (Tables and HGrids).

Hide/Show within a Table

The Hide/Show component can be used to hide/show additional details in a single cell or in an entire row. When Hide/Show is implemented for rows, a Hide All Details/Show All Details control may also be provided. For details on these functions, see Hide/Show in the Tables guideline.

Navigation between Record Sets

Tables provide different options for navigating between record sets. For details see Record Set Navigation in the Tables guideline.

Selection in a Table

Section Contents

Select and Add to Another Page (Shopping Cart Model)

A Shopping Cart model allows a user to add objects in one Object List to another Object List residing on another page (select from one table to add to another page).

  1. (original) Object List
    1. Select one or more objects from the Object List and click the "Add to X" button, where "X" is the name of the destination Object List.
  2. (destination) Object List
    1. The (destination) Object List will be populated with the selected objects
    2. The destination object list may allow users to change certain object attributes, such as quantity.
      Note: Actions should be kept to the minimum needed on the destination page.
    3. Click the "Return to Y" link, where "Y" is the name of the original Object List, or click a page level button such as "Check Out" to leave the selection flow.
  3. (original) Object List

Shopping Cart Flow
Shopping Cart Flow

Persistent Selection Among Record Sets

When a multi-select table has more than one record set, users can select objects from different record sets and have the system remember the selection. This allows the user to perform a task on several selected objects at one time, even though they are not displayed on the same page.

A Persistent Record Selection Counter is displayed in a table Selection Bar to inform the user how many rows have been selected. The selection counter is persistent and dynamic, and so is updated as each record is selected or deselected.

For component details, see Persistent Selection Among Record Sets in the Selection Bar section of the Tables Guideline.

Persistent Selection Flow
Persistent Selection Flow

Visual Specifications

See template guidelines for details about the individual page templates used in this flow. From that guideline, see the individual components for detailed visual specifications.

Open/Closed Issues