Batch Detail Mode and Batch Processing Templates

Last Updated 20-Jan-2004

General Description

User tasks often require the user to update or view object details. The user is often presented with an object list in a table. To make updates, the user may have to set some value within a table, or drill down into an object's details page. Batch Details Mode and Batch Processing are design methods to make it easier for the user when multiple objects' details need to be updated or viewed.

Batch Detail Mode. This is intended when a user wants to "open" or "view" several objects' details and react/respond in a serial manner. Instead of having to navigate to and from the master list, batch detail mode allows for inter-object navigation. For example, when a user reads through several email messages, he/she may open the first email, read and/or respond, then view the next email without returning to the Inbox or master (object) list of emails. There are two types of Batch Detail Modes:

Batch Detail Mode is not advised for Object Templates that are more than one page.

Batch Processing. This is intended when a user wants to set one or more of the same attributes on multiple objects. Instead of having to navigate to each object's details page to set the same attribute, or to set the attribute for multiple rows within a table, Batch Processing makes it easier for the user by allowing them to select the desired objects from the object list, and set one or more attributes in a single step. There are two types of Batch Processing:

Batch Processing may not necessarily allow a user to see all individual object details.

Guideline Attributes

Spec Version # - 3.1
Spec Contributors - Betsy Nute, Roman Longoria
UI Models - all Models
Example Products - all Products
Related Guidelines - Tables, Object Templates, Object List Templates

Interaction and Usage Specifications

General Interaction Notes for Batch Detail Mode Object Page Templates

Batch Detail Mode with Entire List

When the batch consists of the entire set of objects, the user is allowed to navigate from one object detail page to another in the specific order the objects appear in the master object list.

Batch Detail Mode with Partial List

When the user is provided with the ability to define the set of objects, the user first selects them from the object list (via check boxes in the Select column of each row), and then chooses to "Open" or "View" the objects, via a button in the control bar. The user then navigates to the object details page of the first selected object.

General Interaction Notes for Batch Processing Templates

Batch Processing is intended when a user wants to set one or more of the same attributes on multiple objects. Instead of having to navigate to each object's details page to set the same attribute, or to set the attribute for multiple rows within a table, Batch Processing makes it easier for the user by allowing them to select the desired objects from the object list, and set one or more attributes in a single step.

Batch Processing can be performed either within a table, or by navigating to a new page, as described in the following subsections.

Batch Processing within a Table

Navigating to a New Page for Batch Processing

Templates Commonly Associated with Batch Detail Mode and Batch Processing

Batch Detail Mode and Batch Processing Flows




Visual Specifications

Schematics of Typical Object Lists
Other Object List options exist, see: Object List Templates guideline for details.

Schematics of Typical Object Templates (Details Pages) for use with Batch Processing and Batch Detail Mode


Open/Closed Issues