
Last Updated 09.04.03

General Description

Tabs and their associated navigation components allow the user to move through and preform work with BLAF applications. There are multiple tabs/navigation component combinations, and multiple options for each component. As a user navigates or drills down to more detailed content and functionality, each lower level is just a subset of the previous level. There are common tab/navigation configurations, each with specific recommendations for usage.

This document covers Tabs/Navigation components in the sections listed as follows:

Guideline Attributes

Spec Version # - 3.1
Spec Contributors - Betsy Beier, Raymond Wong, Lisa Serface, Craig Louis
UI Models - All Models
Example Products - All Products
Related Guidelines - Branding, Buttons (Global), Page Footer Options, Browse Menu, Intraapplication Navigation, Instruction Text, Language in UI: Tab/Navigation Section, All Page Templates, All Page Flows

Interaction and Usage Specifications

General Tab/Navigation Specifications

Valid Tab/Navigation Configuration Options

Schematics of All Tab/Navigation Configurations
Tab/Navigation configuration options

States: The Tabs, Horizontal Navigation, Side Navigation, and SubTab elements have 3 states:

When navigating at the Global level, Tabs can only be in the Enabled or Disabled state. The currently selected Global Button takes the Active state. See Buttons (Global) guideline for more information.

Information Design: Application content should be distributed relatively equally among all levels of navigation. For instance, one section should not have 80% of the application content and functionality, while 3 other tabs share only 20%. It is recommended to assess all the content and functionality of an application before determining levels of navigation to prevent poor information design.

Language Used in Tab/Navigation Components: See the Language in UI: Tab/Navigation Section guideline for verbage detail and writing style hints.

Schematics of All Task/Property Menu Configurations
Click for larger image

States: The Task/Property Menu has only 2 states, Active (as a link) or Disabled (item is not a link.)

Information Design: The Task/Property Menu should only be used with all other tab/navigation structures and/or when a user has drilled down deep within an application. Information design using the Tab Bar, Horizontal Navigation and Side Navigation is a better solution for progressive disclosure of information.

Language Used in Task/Property Menu: The Task/Property Menu title, groupings, and actual listing should be contextual to the application. (Do not use default terms like "Property Menu", "Task Group" or "Task Menu." Also, see the Language in UI: Tab/Navigation Section guideline for verbiage detail and writing style hints.

Tab Bar (Level 1 only)

The labeled Tabs protruding from the top of the Tab Bar are the highest navigation controls on the application level. These Tabs allow the user to navigate through the major content areas of the application. (Above them are only the Global Buttons/Links, which may link out of the application, or provide access to application/suite/portal meta tasks.)

Tab Bar Only

Tab Bar Usage Recommendations

Horizontal Navigation (Level 2)

Horizontal Navigation sections, the subordinate embedded "tabs" inside the Tab Bar itself, act as a filter of the contents or actions of the selected level 1 tab . A level 1 tab may or may not have subordinate level 2 Horizontal Navigation sections; ie, the level 2 Horizontal Navigation selections appear only when the application content areas defined by level 1 tabs have subordinate content sections.

Tab Bar and Horizontal Navigation

Horizontal Navigation Usage Recommendations

Side Navigation (Level 3)

Side Navigation, the left-side vertical menu bar that hangs below the horizontal Tab Bar, contains either a flat list of content sections, or actions. Side Navigation may be used alone, with the Tab Bar (as a filter of the selected Tab section contents), or with the Tab Bar and Horizontal Navigation (a filter of the selected section in the Horizontal Navigation).

Tab Bar and Side Navigation
SideNav with Tab Bar

Side Navigation Only
SideNav only

NOTE: See additional Side Navigation options below.

Side Navigation Usage Recommendations

Side Navigation Section Configuration Options

The Side Navigation element has multiple configuration options, as explained in the following sections:

Option 1: Side Navigation Sections as a Flat List (No Numbers)

Side Navigation Option 1: No Numbers
Click for larger image

Option 2: Side Navigation Sections with Numbers

Side Navigation Option 2: Numbers
Click for larger image

Option 3: Side Navigation Sections with Hide/Show for Subsections

Side Navigation Option 3: Hide/Show Sub Navigation
Click for larger image

Option 4: Side Navigation Sections as Long List with Subsections Indented

Side Navigation Option 4: Long List with Sub Navigation as Indented List
Click for larger image

SubTab Navigation

SubTab Navigation may be used with the Tab Bar and Horizontal Navigation (as a filter of the selected Horizontal Navigation section).

NOTE: See Object Templates: Object Template with SubTab Navigation for more information on using the SubTab component template.

SubTab Navigation With Tabs and Horizontal Navigation

First SubTab Selected - Example
SubTabs: First Section Selected

Middle SubTab Selected - Example
Middle SubTab Section Selected

SubTab Usage Recommendations

Task/Property Menu Navigation

A Task/Property Menu is a list of links used to navigate the user to a task or process. It is either a list of actions or a list of object properties displayed in the content area. It can be used at almost all levels of navigation. This type of menu allows for highly scalable number of tasks or properties to be displayed at one time. (For an category/catalog centric menu, see the Browse Menu guideline.)
NOTE: The Task/Property Menu can be built using Adjacent Headers and standard HTML bullet list.

Task/Property Menu - Option 1a
Task/Property Menu - Option 1b
Task/Property Menu - Option 2
Task/Property Menu - Option 3

Global Level

Global Level is the state that the tab/navigation component renders when a global button is accessed. (Also see Buttons (Global) and Global Page Templates guidelines for more information.)

Global Level Tab

No Tabs

No Tabs option may be used if an application does not have tabs or navigation levels.

No Tabs or Levels

Visual Specifications

Examples of All Combinations of Tab/Navigation

Examples of Disabled States of all Levels

Tab Bar with One Disabled Tab

Horizontal Navigation with One Disabled Section

Side Navigation with One Disabled Section

SubTab Navigation with One Disabled Section
Note: Tabs and Horizontal Navigation must be present when using SubTab Navigation.

Minimum/Maximum Number of Items per Level Examples

Minimum Width for Horizontal Navigation

Suggested Maximum Number of Horizontal Navigation Sections

Suggested Maximum Number of Tabs in Tab Bar and Horizontal Navigation Sections

Minimum Number of SubTab Sections within the SubTab Bar
Note: Tabs and Horizontal Navigation must be present when using SubTab Navigation.

Suggested Maximum Number of SubTab Sections within the SubTab Bar
Note: Tabs and Horizontal Navigation must be present when using SubTab Navigation.

Other Possibilities

Quick Search with Navigation (NOTE: these are saved with non-web safe colors)
Also, see Search and Query Templates for complete details.
Tab Bar with Search

Tab Bar and Horizontal Navigation with Search

Text Styles and Colors

  Selected (Active) Enabled (Inactive) Disabled
Tab Color Medium Blue; #336699 Dark Beige; #cccc99 Dark Beige; #cccc99
Tab Text Color White; #ffffff Black; #000000 Medium Beige; #ffffcc
Tab Text Style Arial, 11pt (CSS), Bold Arial, 10pt (CSS), Regular Arial, 10pt (CSS), Regular
Horizontal Navigation Background Color Dark Blue; #336699 Dark Blue; #336699 Dark Blue; #336699
Horizontal Navigation Section Text Color White; #ffffff White; #ffffff Medium Blue; #6699cc
Horizontal Navigation Section Text Style Arial, 10pt (CSS), Bold Arial, 10pt (CSS), Regular Arial, 10pt (CSS), Regular
Side Navigation Background Color Dark Blue; #336699 Dark Beige; #cccc99 Dark Beige; #cccc99
Side Navigation Section Text Color White; #ffffff Black; #000000 Medium Beige; #ffffcc
Side Navigation Section Text Style Arial, 10pt (CSS), Bold Arial, 10pt (CSS), Regular Arial, 10pt (CSS), Regular
SubTab Bar Background Color White; #ffffff Light Beige; #f7f7e7 Light Beige; #f7f7e7
SubTab Section Text Color Dark Blue; #336699 Link Brown; #663300 Very Dark Beige; #999966
SubTab Section Text Style Arial, 10pt (CSS), Bold Arial, 10pt (CSS), Regular (a href/link) Arial, 10pt (CSS), Regular
Global Level Text Color (in blue bar) White; #ffffff n/a n/a
Global Level Text Style (in blue bar) Arial, 11pt (CSS), Bold n/a n/a

Task/Property Menu Text Styles and Colors

Open/Closed Issues