Master/Detail Templates

Last Updated 22-Dec-2003

General Description

Master/Detail Templates provide a high density page that allows a user to easily view and/or update objects and object details in one page. The templates are ideal to use in "professional" applications where high density data screens and high user productivity are required. The Master/Detail templates are based on other core BLAF templates, namely Object List Templates and Object Templates. There are several different valid Master/Detail Templates in BLAF to support the wide variety of types of objects, object hierarchies, and object details in BLAF applications. Below outlines the contents of this guideline:

Guideline Attributes

Spec Version # - 3.1
Spec Contributors - Betsy Beier, Lisa Serface, Raymond Wong
UI Models - all models
Example Products - all products
Related Guidelines - BLAF Users: Self Service vs. Professional Applications, Object List Templates, Object Templates, Table Navigation/Action Methods, Table Flows, HGrid Flows, Tables, HGrid. Master/Detail Flows

Interaction and Usage Specifications

General Principles for All Master/Detail Templates

Usage Definition Functionality within Master/Detail Templates Object List Template , with only the detail objects on the page. The user can navigate/toggle back to the master/detail template with a "View with Details" or Master" page level button. If a search is performed on the detail table (or HGrid for details), then user selects [...]" toggle button, results are persistent layout (the criteria does not persist.)

Save Model with updateable Master/Detail Templates
For complete saving behavior for all templates, see Save Model guideline. Typical Launch Points of Master/Detail Templates

Typical Tasks Accomplished with a Master/Detail Template

Matrix of Master/Detail Template with Contextual Examples

Master/Detail Option Signifying Components Example Context
Single Object Details/List of Objects Label-Data Layout/Table Expense Report Details/Expense Line Items; Quote Details/Quote Line Items; Order Details/Order Line Items; Shipment Details/Shipment Line Items
Single Object Details/Multiple Object Properties Label-Data Layout/SubTab Layout Customer/Customer Properties; Quote/Quote Properties; Order/Order Properties
Single Object Details/Hierarchy of Objects Label-Data Layout/HGrid Bank/Branches-Accounts; Project/Budgets-Budget Line Items
List of Objects/Children List of Objects Table/Table Organizations/Departments; Buildings/Assets; Expense Reports/Line Items;
List of Objects/Hierarchy of Objects Table/HGrid Projects/Project Tasks
List of Objects/Single Object Details Table/Label-Data Layout Customers/Customer Details; Employees/Employee Details; Suppliers/Supplier Details; Projects/Project Details; Quotes/Quote Details; Orders/Order Details
List of Objects/Single Object with Multiple Properties Table/SubTab Layout Customers/Multiple Customer Details; Employees/Multiple Employee Details; Suppliers/Multiple Supplier Details; Quotes/Multiple Quote Details
Hierarchy of Objects/List of Objects Tree/Table Projects-Budgets/Budget Line Items; Companies-Budgets/Budget Line Items; Banks-Branches/Accounts
Hierarchy of Objects/Single Object Details Tree/Label-Data Layout Managers-Employees/Employee Details; Banks-Branches-Accounts/Account Details; Companies-Buildings-Floors-Assests/Asset Details; Project-Resources/Resource Details
Hierarchy of Objects/Hierarchy of Objects HGrid/HGrid NOT A VALID OPTION: For both usability reasons (expanded HGrids scroll extensively, thus pushing details far down the page) and technical reasons (most HGrids contain heterogeneous contents, which require different details layout depending on the node selected in the master list).

Master/Detail Templates Options

Single Object Details/List of Objects (Label-Data Layout/Table)

Single Object Details/List of Objects Example: Departments

Page Level Navigation - Choice List of Master Objects
Example Option when Master Object Names are too Long:

Example Option with Master Object Names:

Example Option with Master Object Names (no total number):

Single Object Details/Multiple Object Properties (Label-Data Layout/SubTab Layout)

Single Object Details/Multiple Object Properties: Customer and Customer Property with Table

Single Object Details/Multiple Object Properties: Customer and Customer Property as Label/Data

Single Object Details/Hierarchy of Objects (Label-Data Layout/HGrid)

Single Object Details/Hierarchy of Objects Example: Bank and Branches/Accounts Hierarchy

List of Objects/Children List of Objects (Table/Table)

List of Objects/Children List of Objects Example: Organizations and Departments

List of Objects/Hierarchy of Objects(Table/HGrid)

List of Objects/Hierarchy of Objects Example: Projects and Tasks (Hierarchical)

List of Objects/Single Object Details (Table/Label-Data Layout)

List of Objects/Single Object Details Example: Company (grandparent/contextual info), Employees and an Employee

List of Objects/Single Object with Multiple Properties (Table/SubTab Layout)

List of Objects/Single Object with Multiple Properties Example: Employees and an Employee (Property as Label/Data)

List of Objects/Single Object with Multiple Properties Example: Employees and an Employee (Property as Label/Data)

Hierarchy of Objects/List of Objects (Tree/Table)

Hierarchy (as Tree) of Objects/List of Objects Example: Projects (Hierarchical) and Budgets

Hierarchy of Objects/Single Object Details (Tree/Label-Data Layout)

Hierarchy of Objects (as Tree)/Single Object Details Example: Bank, Branch, Account Hierarchy and an Account

Hierarchy of Objects/Hierarchy of Objects (HGrid/HGrid)

Visual Specifications

See the individual specifications regarding each of the Master/Detail Template options listed above. For visual specification of the Master/Detail flow, refer to the Master/Details Flow Guideline.

Open/Closed Issues

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