Information about Abbreviations

Last Updated 13-Jan-2004

General Description

Due to accessibility requirements and internationalization constraints, Oracle's policy is to avoid abbreviations in Web-based applications. Two exceptions to this rule are:

Guideline Attributes

Spec Version # - 3.1
Spec Contributors - Betsy Beier, Mervyn Dennehy
UI Models - all models
Example Products - all products
Related Guidelines - all

Interaction and Usage Specifications

Defined Abbreviations

When use of abbreviations is unavoidable due to space constraints, designers can define the abbreviation using key notation, a tip, or a messaging icon.

Defined abbreviations follow these rules:

See the Key Notation specification for more information.

Standard Abbreviations and Acronyms

Oracle Internationalization (I18N) has already developed translations for standard abbreviated terms and acronyms. Even though an acronym may be used across more than one language, it may not be used in Oracle products unless already registered by I18N.

In Oracle HTML apps, these abbreviations and acronyms may only be used when:

Oracle internal developers can see the full list of standard abbreviations, acronyms, currency codes, and symbols at the following internal sites:

Registered Abbreviations:

Registered Acronyms:

Registered Currency Codes:

Registered Symbols:

Note: Certain non-standard acronyms need to be replaced with different terms that convey the same meaning: For example, instead of expanding "URL" to "Universal Resource Locator", use the terms "Web address" or "Web site".

Date Picker

The Date Picker is implemented with the Java Calendar object, which displays a standard set of abbreviations for months and days of the week in its header row. The Calendar object has been localized into all supported languages. The language displayed is determined by the object's language setting.

See the Date Picker specification for details.

Open/Closed Issues