Switchers: Application and Context Switchers

Last Updated 04.11.03

General Description

A switcher is used in BLAF applications to quickly switch a user to back and forth between applications, or to switch the context of the page or pages within an application. The two types of switchers are:

Guideline Attributes

Spec Version # - 3.1
Spec Contributors - Betsy Beier, Craig Louis, Raymond Wong, Lisa Serface
UI Models - all models
Example Products - all products
Related Guidelines - Icons, Help Templates, Messaging Templates, Content Containers in Page, Action/Navigation Buttons, Buttons as Links, Inline Messaging and Tips, Branding, LOV (List of Values) Template, Interapplication Navigation.

Interaction and Usage Specifications

General Principles

Application Switcher

Context Switcher

Visual Specifications

Visual Principles

Application Switcher Definitions:

Context Switcher Definitions:

Application Switcher Examples

Application Switcher with Regular Brand

Rollover on Go to Selected Application Button

Application Switcher with Longer Application Name

Application Switcher with Pulldown List Open - Family of Applications including Editions or Versions of Applications

Application Switcher with Pulldown List Open - Favorites from Portal Included in Pulldown List

Effect of Branding Size on Application Switcher Layout Examples

Regular Brand with Application Switcher - Label Stacked

Medium Brand with Application Switcher - Label Stacked Inline

Small Brand with Application Switcher - Label Stacked Inline

Context Switcher Examples

Context Switcher on Page - Pulldown List of Contexts

Context Switcher on Page - Field with LOV (List of Values) of Contexts

Open/Closed Issues