Calendar Views

Last Updated 19-Jun-2004

General Description

Calendar Views is a BLAF user interface used for viewing schedules and appointments. It can be embedded into a calendar application with other calendaring functions or in a dashboard page. The user interface consists of views that allow the user to display appointments in three ways: by day, by week, and by month.

Calendar Views allows the user to do the following:

The visual and interaction principles of Calendar Views are as follows:

Guideline Attributes

Spec Version # - 3.1
Spec Contributors - Raymond Wong, Kristin Desmond, Lisa Rinderknecht, Killian Evers, Irene Wong, Lisa Serface
UI Models - All Models
Example Products - All Products
Related Guidelines - Date Picker, Common Formats, Icons in BLAF Applications, Truncation, Content Layout Templates, Internationalization

Display of Calendar Views

Users can view appointments in three calendar views:

Daily View

The Daily View displays appointments of a specific date chronologically in a two column table. This view can display all calendar appointment attributes and graphically display the duration of appointments for overlapping and non-overlapping appointments. It also serves as the access point for drilling down into full appointment details and for creating/updating appointments.

Time Labels in Left Column
The left column consists of cell rows that display the appointment start time label and the Create Appointment icon. The column header is labeled as "Time". The time interval between each row can be 15 minutes, 1/2 hour or one hour and is customizable by the user.

  • Time label
    • Text is view-only, aligned top left within cell and follows the BLAF Common Formats Guideline for time. 12-hour formats are distinguished from 24-hour formats by prepending or appending an AM/PM field based on user's locale preferences. 12-hour formats may be displayed with three places, such as 7:30, until the hour reaches 10:00.
      Examples:   12:59 AM
    • The time label of the first row is always "All Day" for appointments that occupy the entire day without a start or end time, such as birthdays, vacation days, etc.
  • "Create Appointment" Functional Icon (required)
    • It serves as access point to the page where users can create a new appointment
    • It is the only functional icon allowed in the row header.
    • Icon is top right aligned within cell.

Appointment Contents in Right Column
The right column cell rows display appointment contents. The column header label is the date of the appointments in view. The default date format is set based on the user's locale preferences. For instance, in the United States, the format is [Day of Week], [Month & Date], [Year].(e.g. Thursday, April 24, 2003). It can be customized to other valid BLAF date formats by the user.

  • The right column displays appointments in a day chronologically. Multiple appointments are also supported.
  • An appointment consists of one or more of the following attributes. If defined, they should be presented in the following order: 
    • Subject - The name of the appointment
    • Location - The place of the appointment
    • Attendees - The invitee(s) to a meeting
    • Customer - The customer's name
    • Source - The source object associated with the appointment (e.g. Opportunity XYZ)
    • Mode - The method by which the appointment is held (e.g. Web Conference)
  • Each appointment is presented as a single concatenated text string consisting of its attribute values, separated by commas. The Subject attribute value is always a link that drills down to additional appointment details. All other attribute values can either be read-only text or links.
    Format:   [Subject attribute value], [Location attribute value], [Attendees attribute value], [Customer attribute value], [Source attribute value]
    Example:   Sales Campaign Meeting, Room 1033, John Jacobs, Sam Spade, IBM, IBM Opportunity
  • The Subject attribute value is required and must be defined for each appointment. All other attribute values are optional and will display only if defined.
  • The first row is always for displaying "All Day" appointments that take up the entire day without a start or end time. Some examples include birthdays, vacation days, etc.
  • "Recurring" and "Reminder" status icons are optional and are used for indicating the status of an appointment. They are displayed before the appointment only when users set up an appointment with the "Recurring" and/or "Reminder" features turned on. If both icons are displayed, the "Reminder" icon will be shown first, followed by the "Recurring" icon, from left to right.
  • A cell background is highlighted with color to indicate the cell is occupied with an appointment.Refer to the Visual Specifications for details.

Layout of Appointment Contents

Weekly View

The Weekly View displays appointments of a week in a table, with one column for each day. The number of columns to display can be either 5 or 7 columns, and can start on any day of the week depending on the user's calendar configuration. This view is most useful if the user wants to see graphically appointments that span multiple time intervals and the week at a glance, or to compare schedules from day to day.

Time Labels in Leftmost Column
  • The leftmost column consists of cell rows that display appointment start time labels. The column header is labeled "Time". The time interval between each row can be 15 minutes, 1/2 hour or one hour and is customizable by the user.
  • View-only time formats follow the BLAF Common Formats Guideline for time. 12-hour formats are distinguished from 24-hour formats by prepending or appending an AM/PM field based on user's locale preferences. 12-hour formats may be displayed with three places, such as 7:30, until the hour reaches 10:00.
  • Examples:   12:59 AM
  • Text is top left aligned within cell.
  • The time label of the first row is always "All Day" for appointments that occupy the entire day without a start or end time, such as birthdays, vacation days, etc.

Appointment for Days in Week

  • Other than the leftmost Time column, each column consists of appointments for a day in the week.
  • Column header is labeled with the appointment date. The date format is set based on the user's locale preferences. For instance, in the United States, the format is [Day of Week], [Month & Date].(e.g. Thursday, April 24). It can be customized to other valid BLAF date formats by the user.
  • The first row always shows "All Day" appointments that occupy the entire day without a start or end time, such as birthdays, vacation days, etc.
  • Appointments for a day are displayed chronologically within each day column.
  • Each appointment is presented as a single concatenated text string consisting of its start time and Subject attribute value. The Subject attribute value is always a link that drills down to additional appointment details. Each additional appointment is displayed in a new line.
  • Icons
    • "Recurring" and "Reminder" status icons are optional and are used for indicating the status of an appointment. They are displayed at the before the appointment only when users set up an appointment with the "Recurring" and/or "Reminder" features turned on. If both icons are displayed, the "Reminder" icon will be shown first, followed by the "Recurring" icon, from left to right.
    • "Create Appointment" (required) - functional icon that serves as an access point to the Create Appointment page. It is the only functional icon allowed in this column and is top right aligned within cell.
  • A cell background is highlighted with color to indicate:
    • The cell is occupied with an appointment.
    • The cell is Today.
  • Refer to the Visual Specifications for details.

Layout of Appointment Contents

Monthly View

The Monthly View displays the appointments of a month in a grid. This view is most useful if the user wants to see at a glance the events scheduled for the entire month and compare the schedule from day to day or from week to week.

  • The column headers are labeled with the days of the week. The number of columns to display can be either 5 or 7 columns, and can start on any day of the week depending on the user's calendar configuration.
  • Each day is displayed as a cell with a hyperlink consisting of the day of the month.  It is located at the top left corner of the cell. The user can drill down to the Daily View of that day by clicking on the hyperlink. 
  • Appointments for each day are displayed in chronological order.
    • Each appointment is presented as a single concatenated text string consisting of its start time and Subject attribute value, placed below the Day hyperlink. The Subject attribute value is always a link that drills down to additional appointment details. Each additional appointment is displayed in a new line.
    • An "All Day" appointment is always displayed as the first item before all other appointments. An "All Day" appointment is one that occupies the entire day without a start or end time, such as birthdays, vacation days, etc.
    • Icons are not used in this view.
    • A cell background is highlighted with color to indicate:
      • The cell is occupied with an appointment.
      • The cell is outside the date range specified by user.
      • The cell is Today.
      Refer to the Visual Specifications for details.

Layout of Appointment Contents

Icons Used in the Calendar Views



View(s) Used

Used for creating an appointment in the calendar. Daily, Weekly

Indicates that a appointment item is a reminder.

Daily, Weekly
Indicates that an appointment recurs. Daily, Weekly

Visual Specifications

Calendar-Daily View

Calendar-Weekly View

Calendar-Montly View

Visual Calendar Icon List




Size (pixels)


View(s) Used


Create Functional 24x24 Provides access to appointment creation function. Daily, Weekly Top right of appointment cell
Reminder Status 16x16

Indicates that a appointment item is a reminder.

Daily, Weekly Left of appointment and/or Recurring Icon
Recurring Status 16x16 Indicates that an appointment recurs over time. Daily, Weekly Left of appointment

Color Highlights Used In the Calendar


Used In Views...


#FFFFCC Daily/Weekly/Monthly Indicates that a calendar cell is occupied with an appointment.
#CCFFFF Weekly/Monthly Indicates that a calendar cell is Today.
#F7F7E7 All Views

Indicates that a calendar cell is within the date range specified by user.

#FFFFFF Monthly Indicates that a calendar cell is outside the date range specified by user (e.g. overlapping dates from previous/next month).

Open Issues

06.12.03 - Yearly Views to be added once Inline Date Picker functionality becomes available.

Closed Issues

09.02.03 - To ensure compliancy with Oracle's accessibility standards, the Daily and Weekly Calendar Views are rendered as flat lists (instead of graphical displays) when viewed in accessibility mode.