Graphical Status Meter (GSM)

Last Updated 4.16.02

General Description

The Graphical Status Meter (GSM) is a visual representation (graphic) used to describe state information for the purpose of monitoring a metric, system or business process. It conveys information about the distribution of data (e.g. value of a metric threshold or status of an order). It can represent a roll up of a multi-step business process or a single type of information (e.g. of a file system). Multiple GSMs can be used for applications that need to express summary information for multiple objects. When multiple GSMs are presented on a screen they can help the viewer to see patterns and possibly make correlations of quantitative data either at a single point in time or, if the UI allows, view historical data over a selected time period. The GSMs compact design can be utilized in UIs requiring high information density.

Note: The graphical status meter is an image that will be generated by BI Beans technology.

Guideline Attributes

Spec Version # - 3.1
Spec Author - Michelle Bacigalupi
Designers - Michelle Bacigalupi, Alex Sorin
Contributors - Ivy Leung, Carmen D'Arlach, Betsy Beier
UI Models - all models
Example Products - Enterprise Manager - Thinclient, Chain Exchange, Supply Chain, KPI indicators Business Intelligence
Related Guidelines - Table guideline, Graph guideline, Icon Icons Repository: Status Indicator Icons, Color Palette Guideline

Interaction and Usage Specifications

General Principles

The Graphical Status Meter, a generated graphic, visually represents the current state of usage, with optional features noting thresholds (e.g. OK, warning and critical). These thresholds could represent, for example, minimum and maximum order fulfillment levels; severity levels of a metric; or under, within, and over projected budget levels. Threshold features can also be used in conjunction with threshold controls. These thresholds can be set as a function of product installation and configuration. Threshold controls can also be articulated and set apart from the GSM by an end user during use of the product. If there is a need to compare the status of multiple objects/processes or there are several objects to surface multiple GSM's are to be used and they should be placed within the cells of a standard BLAF table with associated columns of specific numeric values that correlate to the GSM. It can also be used as a label value pair if there are only a few items. However, it is recommended that the specific numeric value is also included as well.

This meter is made up of three graphical elements. They include:

The following are examples of the Graphical Status Meter, from simplest to complex.

1A & B) Basic GSM: Indicates current value, percent of usage or percent completion (e.g. filesystem or of a Key Performance Indicator)
Product examples: - Projects - denoting completion of tasks, CRM, BIS, OEM Administration Framework, ERP, Oracle Sourcing

1C & 1D) Basic Meter with Value Setting: In some cases it may be appropriate to associate the basic GSM with a text field where the users can enter exact values for different attributes. The GSM gets updated once the user selected "Set Values." Each attribute has an associated GSM.
Product examples: Sourcing: Multi-Attribute scoring and weighted bid ranking

1A. Basic GSM 1B. Basic GSM with numeric tick scale 1C..Basic GSM with Value Setting 1D. Basic GSM with Numeric Value
(Read Only)

Components used:

2) Threshold w/ Indicators: Indicates OK, Warning or Critical thresholds of metrics (background), and current status against those values (databar.)
Product examples: Metrics in OEM Administration Framework, Balance Scorecard
2A. Threshold Meter 2B. Threshold Meter with numeric scale

Components used:


1) Basic Graphical Status Meter
2) Basic Graphical Status Meter with Value Setting

3) Threshold Meter with Severity Indicators

Basic Graphical Status Meter

This is used when simple indicators of percentage are required to show current value or status of usage. It can also be used to display availability.

Example scenarios of use

Option 1 - Basic GSM's appear within a table to indicate how much of a file system out of 100% is used The Basic GSM is used here with other displays in the table such as the status icons and the numeric value of the the Graphical Status Indicator.

Basic GSM - Homogeneous Data Type (Use same color)

Option 2 - The Graphical Status Meter indicates how much, out of a 100%, has been completed for a given business process. (E.g. Budget, Forecast, Requirements). It represents what percentage of the process is complete via the basic version of the GSM with different colors for each type or process and is displayed with a status indicator and an associated numeric value.

Basic GSM - Heterogeneous Data Type (Use same colors)

Basic GSM with Value Setting

This version of the component can be used to assign a score to different possible attributes. Each score assigned to an item attribute is a number that represents the value of that attribute compared to other attributes.

Example scenarios of use

An Auction/RFQ creator will assign values to item attributes. Each value assigned to an item attribute represents the importance of that item attribute relative to other item attributes.

Value Setting

Basic GSM with Value Setting Plus Read Only

Example scenarios of use

The view only version will be used by a bidder/supplier to bid/quote for the highest score expected by the Auction creator.

Value Display -Read Only

Basic GSM with Value Setting and Dependencies

Example scenario of use A user would set the value of each attribute according to the importance. The total score can not exceed a 100 hence the dependencies of attributes on each other.

Value Setting with Dependencies - Updatable

Basic GSM with Value Setting and Dependencies Plus Read Only

Value Setting with Dependencies - Read Only

Threshold Meter with Severity Indicators

The Threshold GSM is used when a threshold is set for a specific metric. The Threshold GSM indicates the current state of the metric.

Example scenarios of use

An administrator sets the thresholds for CPU Usage and I/O Processing metrics for targets A,B, C, etc. She sets the warning and critical levels on a per target basis. The Graphical Status Indicator below shows the state of the target with regards to the metrics.

Thresholds with severity indicators

Threshold Meter with Numeric Tick Values

The Threshold GSM with severity and numeric tick labels is to be used when thresholds are set that have values which can be associated a numeric range of 0-100.

Thresholds with numeric tick values

Visual Specifications

Visual Definitions

  When precise values are needed, graphs should be supplemented with other displays, such as tables and crosstabs. Graph color should be consistent for each on per session and for each item type. Color should also be used as a secondary indicator.

Component Measurements

Details to come...

Open/Closed Issues

03.23.02 - Whether to have the associated numeric values within the same table cell or in a separate cell.