Global Button Flow: Login/Logout

Last Updated 09.28.03

General Description

The Login/Logout flow illustrates how a user logs into an application and/or portal, perform functions, and then logs out.

Guideline Attributes

Spec Version # - 3.1
Spec Contributors - Betsy Beier, Craig Louis
UI Models - all models
Example Products - all products
Related Guidelines - Global Buttons, Global Page Templates, Messaging Flows, Page Stamps

Interaction and Usage Specifications

Templates Used within Flow

Common Initiation Points or Start Points to Flow

General Principles

Login and logout can take place from an internet portal for hosted applications, or from the starting page of a hosted application on an intranet. For interaction and usage guidelines, see Global Page Templates

User Login Methods

The user selects a link/URL in a Portal and logs in as a guest or registered user, or logs in using the Login/Logout button within a hosted application:

Validation Methods on Login

Once the user fills out the necessary fields and then selects Login:

If User Has Forgotten Password:

Logout Flow

After the user has completed their tasks, they will log out:
  1. User selects Global Logout Button
  2. Warning Page appears: Are you sure you want to log out?
  3. User is returned to pre-login page; ie, page where they first selected the Login button.

Visual Specifications

The following graphics illustrate Login/Logout flow for both the basic Intranet and Internet/Hosted Applications scenario, and how Logout is handled if the user opens another browser window and logs out from there.

See the Page Stamps guideline for information on optional login ID textstring placement in the UI after the user logs in.

Login/Logout Flow - Standard Cases

Login/Logout Flow - Intranet and Internet/Hosted Applications
(Note: All page level buttons in each template should repeat at the top and bottom of the page per the Button guideline.)

Login/Logout Flow - In User Launched New Window

Advanced User Scenario - User Selects Control-N or New Window Menu Functionality in Browser

Open/Closed Issues