BLAF (HTML) Applications Glossary

Last Updated 07.09.03

General Description

The following glossary of terms is used throughout the Browser Look and Feel guidelines. These terms refer to UI components, templates or flows, and/or commonly used Web developer terms.

Guideline Attributes

Spec Version # - 3.1
Spec Contributors - Betsy Beier; Mervyn Dennehy; Oracle Style Guide Review Board; Lisa Serface
UI Models - all models
Example Products - all products
Related Guidelines - all guidelines; for comparison of many terms, see Language in UI

Note: If you don't see a term listed below, use your browser's Find in Page feature to see if it's listed as a synonym for a standard term.


Key to Glossary Column Headings:

BLAF Term = A term commonly used within the BLAF Guidelines.
Synonyms and Related Terms = One or more related terms used informally by product teams in place of the standard BLAF term. These terms are included to facilitate online searches, and should never be used in place of standard terms in Oracle products or documentation.
Definition = Explanation of the BLAF term.
Use in Product Documentation = Usage of the term for writers of application Help text, Oracle Help for the Web, and product manuals. Some terms are only for use by development teams.
Related Guidelines = Links to BLAF Guidelines with more information about the current term.

BLAF Term Synonyms and Related Terms Definition Use in product documentation Related Guideline(s)
abbreviations n/a An abbreviation is a shortened word, or an acronym for multiple words. In general, abbreviations should not be used in BLAF applications because of accessibility and internationalization constraints. no Information About Abbreviations
accelerator keys access keys An accelerator key provides keyboard navigation to bypass menu navigation, and perform an action. For example, Ctrl-S for Save in a Windows application. (This is currently not supported in Oracle BLAF applications.) not at present Keyboard Shortcuts
access keys (Mnemonics) accelerator keys An access key provides keyboard navigation jump to a specific UI element. For example, Alt-F to open the File menu in a Windows application. (This is partially supported in Oracle BLAF applications.) no; use "shortcut key" or "keyboard shortcut" Keyboard Shortcuts
accessibility ADA standards; disabilities; section 508 BLAF applications follow strict accessibility standards to meet government requirements. Accessible software provides alternate ways for people with disabilities to access electronic and information technology. yes Information About Accessibility
Administration Setup, Personalization, customization (deprecated) Application administrators perform routine administration tasks on an "Administration" tab. If application administration is limited to one-time setup, it should be performed on a Setup tab. yes Personalization and Set Up Functions in BLAF: Overview
advertising promotion Advertising banners may be used in limited form in Oracle Web applications on a product-by-product basis. no Advertising
alert warning; caution; error message An alert notifies users about a change in an object's status. Alerts are commonly used in system administration tools and in workflow applications. Within an application, alerts are indicated by status icons, and optional warning messages. Alerts may also trigger e-mail messages and pager notification. If necessary; when referring to an alert message, use "message", unless you need to make the distinction Icons in BLAF Applications; Inline Messages and Tips; Dialogs: Messaging (Error, Information, Warning)
ancillary graphic photo; pictogram; collage; eye candy; marketing graphic Ancillary graphics are images that are used throughout Web applications to enhance their appearance and provide a more Web-like "feel". They are not necessary for the user to understand or complete the task at hand. no Ancillary Graphics, Ancillary Graphic Repository
applet n/a A Java program that can be distributed as an attachment in a Web document and executed in a Web browser (currently not used in BLAF applications without specific management approval). yes n/a
arrow button n/a Arrow buttons (left, right, up, and down) are used in a variety of components to indicate direction or expand/collapse functionality. Common usages include: Choice lists; Next and Back in step-by-step processes; Hide/Show sections of a page or table; Quick Links to subsequent page sections; selection within a shuttle; reorder contents of a list or table. If the arrow button has a label, refer to the label; if not, avoid the term "button", and specify the arrow type (left arrow, up arrow, double right-arrow, and so on). Translators of right-to-left languages may need to modify text referring to arrow direction. Art Direction Language
art direction n/a Art direction helps maintain a family resemblance between all applications, and Oracle product lines in general. The Art Direction Language guideline helps designers understand the rationale behind the visual directions used in HTML applications. no Art Direction Language
attribute details, property An attribute is a detail of an object that may be displayed in a column of a table or HGrid or in a field on an object page. Only in developer and administrator documentation. Otherwise, use the general term "details", and refer to individual attributes by their column headers or field labels.  
batch detail mode n/a Batch Detail Mode allows a user to view/act on individual object details one at a time without returning to the master object list, and should not be confused with Batch Processing (see below). no Batch Detail Mode Templates
batch processing group processing Batch Processing allows a user to select many objects (from the master list) and perform functions against all selected objects. Batch Processing may not necessarily allow a user to see individual object details. if needed Pending
branding corporate identity; collage; customize Branding identifies the current application to the user. There are several tiers of branding: corporate branding (a corporate logo); product branding (the name of a product); cobranding (a partner corporation). Customized branding allows a customer to replace the default brand information with that company's specific information. no Branding
breadcrumbs locator elements Breadcrumbs specify the location of the current page within an application's module and page hierarchy. As the user navigates through hierarchical content, or "drills down" through levels of content and/or functionality, the breadcrumbs track the location, and breadcrumb links allow the user to navigate up to higher levels in the hierarchy. Note: Breadcrumbs do not necessarily show the route taken by the user to reach the current page. no; if needed use the term "locator links" Breadcrumbs
browse menu catalog; drill-down; list; category Browse Menus displays categories of information, such as a catalog of items. Users can drill down through these categories to find items of interest. Note: Browse menus are embedded in the page, and have no relation to the browser's menu system. no; use "list" or "catalog" preceded by the name of the list or catalog depending on your application. For example, the Widgets list or the New Components catalog. Browse Menu, Browse Templates, Browse Flow
browser controls toolbar; menu Toolbar or menu options provided by a browser, such as Back/Forward controls. no; use the control name, such as the Back button n/a
buttons (action/navigation) pushbuttons Action/Navigation buttons in BLAF applications may be used to: perform action(s) only (Action Only Buttons); perform an action and navigate the user to another page (Action/Navigation Buttons); not perform an action, but navigate the user to another page (Navigation Buttons). Action/Navigation buttons are placed throughout the page, according to context and function. refer to specific buttons by name. For example, "Click Update"; if a general term is needed, use "buttons" Buttons (Action/Navigation)
buttons (global) pushbuttons; toolbar Global buttons can be accessed from every area of the application, and function much like a toolbar in a traditional GUI application. They do not perform an action when selected, but take users to a section of the application where they can view content and/or perform actions. refer to specific buttons by name, such as the "Help button"; if a general term is needed, use "buttons" Buttons (Global)
check box checkbox A check box is a control with a label and a state that can either be on or off. When multiple check boxes are presented as a group, none, one, or more than one can be selected at the same time. yes; otherwise use the term "option", identified by label name Standard Web Widgets
child (object) node, leaf, branch A child object or node is any object that is subordinate to another object or container. Parent/child relationships are exposed to users in HGrid and Tree controls, or via drill down. Yes, when describing hierarchical relationships. Otherwise refer to the object type or use the term "object". HGrid Templates, Tree
choice list pulldown list; dropdown list; poplist A choice list displays a drop-down list from which the user can select a value. no; use the term "list", identified by label name if needed Standard Web Widgets
color palette n/a A color palette is a set of pre-defined colors. BLAF uses a set of color palettes: a base color palette, a graph/chart palette, and, if necessary for ancillary graphics, the web-safe 216 color palette. Every color used within a BLAF application should belong to one of these palettes. If needed Color Palette and Color Usage
combination (label/data) n/a A label/data combination is a set of different web widgets or data associated with label(s). no Content Layout Templates: Page Layout of Standard Web Widgets
component widget; control; element A component is a developer term for a BLAF page element, and includes both standard Web widgets (a.k.a. controls) and other elements such as headers and instruction text. refer to individual components by their labels; if necessary, use the general term "page elements," or the more specific term "controls" for standard Web widgets. Component Order
confirmation message n/a Confirmation messages notify the user that an action has been completed successfully. Confirmation messages may be displayed inline (inserted into the current page), or on a separate standalone message page. Unless you are specifically referring to a confirmation message and you must make the distinction, use "message" Inline Messages and Tips; Dialogs: Messaging; Message Box
container (for objects) parent A container is used in a hierarchy to group one or more child objects that do not have a parent object. For example, in a hierarchy of employees, a department may be represented as a container. Unlike objects, containers do not have associated details. avoid unless necessary to describe hierarchical relationships HGrid Templates, Tree
content container box; portlet; layout square Content containers are used in page layouts to help distinguish specific types of content or groups information. The content (on the right portion of the screen) in the container is ancillary in nature. It helps the user complete the task at hand, but is not required. The content container is used throughout BLAF applications. Another type of container is a portlet, as seen in a portal application. Use the term "container", identified by header name if necessary Content Container
contextual information n/a Contextual Information is view only label/data information that is displayed on a page or pages of a process. The information displayed is based on one or more choices made on a previous page and helps users to remember those choices while continuing the task. no Contextual Information
controlling field n/a A controlling field is a field, often a choice list, that determines the content displayed below on the same page. Dependent content is typically refreshed by PPR. yes Flexfields: Contextual
core field n/a The term core field is used for any field that is displayed by default in an Oracle application. The term is used in contrast with flexfields, which are customer-defined fields. Only in developer and administrator documentation Flexfields
CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) n/a A cascading style sheet (CSS) defines all the colors, text, and styles used throughout BLAF applications. There is one master XSS (XML Style Sheet) that drives the individual CSS for different locales and browser types. If needed; define at first use, for example "Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)" Text and CSS Standards
date picker date-time editor; calendar The date picker allows a user to select a date from a calendar to populate a date field on a page. Use "date editor"; if control also allows selection of time, use "date-time editor" Date Picker
dependent fields n/a Dependent fields are fields that are only displayed when users make specific selections in a controlling field, often a choice list, that determines the content displayed below it. Dependent fields are typically refreshed by PPR. yes Flexfields: Contextual
details (object) attributes, properties The term details is used generically to describe object attributes that may be exposed on an object page, in a table, or in an HGrid. yes; to refer to individual object details, use the field label, or the column header. Object Templates ,Object List Templates
Done Finish Used as a page-level action/navigation button to complete a sub-process, in contrast with the Finish button used in the main process. yes Branching, Drill Down, and Skipping Steps in the 3[+] Step by Step Template guideline.
drill down n/a As a verb, "drill down" means to reveal more detail about an object. A user may drill down more than once on an object to reveal progressively more details. As an adjective, a drill-down link or button allows the user to drill down. yes; use "drill down" as a verb, and "drill-down" as an adjective For use in tables, see Navigation/Action Within Tables
e-mail email Message sent via any email client (an e-mail); or the medium of electronic mail (use e-mail to report any changes) yes Buttons (Global); Global Button Flow
error message alert; warning Error messages alert the user that one or more actions have failed due to data inaccuracies or system level problems. The application requires immediate attention and/or correction before continuing. Error messages may be displayed inline (inserted into the current page), or on a separate standalone message page. Unless you are specifically referring to an error message and you must make the distinction, use "message" Inline Messages and Tips; Dialogs: Messaging (Error, Information, Warning)
flexfield (descriptive or key) customizable field A flexfield is a customer-defined field and label pair or combination (label/prompt with field/choice list/text area, and so on.) There are 2 types of flexfields in Oracle applications: descriptive flexfields and key flexfields. Descriptive flexfields can also be "contextual", that is, displayed or hidden depending on the selection made in a controlling field. See the Flexfields guideline for a full description of each type. yes; for developer documentation Flexfields
flow sequence; process A page flow is a BLAF term for a sequence of page templates with a common purpose and style, such as a search/results sequence, or attachments sequence. no Page Flows
globalization internationalization; localization; translation; NLS (National Language Support) Globalization standards facilitate: translation of applications into multiple languages; support for different character sets; support for bi-directional languages; recognition of multicultural issues; and support for international date, time, name, and other formats. If needed, use "globalization support" Information About NLS
group (label/data) n/a A label/data group is a collection of label/data pairs and combinations. (Note: This type of group is not the same as a radio or check box group.) no Content Layout Templates: Page Layout of Standard Web Widgets
headers (subheaders and subsubheaders) headings; sections The header component is used to title and separate contents on a page. It may be used in the general body of contents of a page, in a column, in a message area, or in a content container. There are three types of headers: headers, subheaders, and subsubheaders. Each type of header has a rule (or line) underneath the text. A subheader, and a subsubheader can be subdivided into a columnar format, or adjacent sub/subsubheaders. It is optional whether or not to use an icon with the header and rule. Use the header name if needed; refer to subheaders followed by section, for example, "the Canceled Orders section". Headers
HGrid (Hierarchy Grid or Tree Table) n/a The HGrid shares many properties of a Table, most notably that it is a display of information in tabular format. The main difference between the two is that a table displays a flat list of objects, whereas an HGrid displays objects in hierarchical format. The HGrid component has similarities with other hierarchical components, such as a tree or a crosstab table. no (use the term "table" or "hierarchy" if needed) HGrid
Hide/Show expand/collapse (incorrect usage) The Hide/Show element allows users to collapse or reveal a section of page content, a row, or a cell in a table. Hide/Show can be used in a variety of ways: hide/show an entire section of the page or a part of a section of the page; simple/advanced search; and hide/show details of a table row. Use "Show/Hide" Hide/Show
Home dashboard (deprecated term) Central location in application displayed as first tab in tab bar. Home pages provide an overview of the functionality and contents of an application, and are typically the first page that a user sees when launching the application. Yes Home Page Templates
Horizontal Navigation tab bar Second-level navigation area below the primary tabs that includes a "bar" of links. Use term "secondary tabs" if necessary to help locate the links; otherwise refer to a specific navigation link by name (avoid use of term "Tab Bar", as there may not be any tabs) Tabs/Navigation
icons n/a Icons provide additional visual information to help identify frequently-used page elements. They are used throughout Web applications in a common places such as within global buttons, in tables, in legend or key notation, and with label/data combinations such as messaging. If needed Icon Guideline, Icon Repository
information message tip; hint Information messages provide contextual information about business practices and methods. They may be displayed inline (inserted into the current page), or on a separate standalone message page. no; use "message" Inline Messages and Tips; Dialogs: Messaging (Error, Information, Warning); Message Box
inline messaging help; prompt; directions; pointer Inline messaging consists of text inserted within the current page to provide help and communicate information to users. Depending on the message type, inline messages may also include an identifying icon, and appear in a message box. Message types include: Tip text; Hints on use of a standard web widget; error messages, warning messages, and information messages. If needed, use the terms "message","hint", or "tip" Inline Messaging and Tips, Help Templates; Message Box
instruction text help; prompt; directions; explanation; pointer Instruction text is the primary method for directing users to perform a task on a page. It can be used both to explain domain- or industry-specific issues, and/or to explain how to use certain user interface components. Instruction text provides more room for directions than inline messages and tips. no Instruction Text, Help Templates
Java servlet n/a A Java program that runs as part of a network service (typically an HTTP server) and responds to requests from clients. The most common use for a Java servlet is to generate Web content dynamically from a database or other back-end source. use "servlet" if needed n/a
key notation explanation; legend Key notation is used on a page to define icons, terms, or elements that are used within the content of the page. use "key" if needed Key/Legend Notation
keyboard shortcuts accelerators Keyboard shortcuts provide an alternative to pointing devices for navigating the page. There are three types of keyboard shortcuts used in standard graphical UIs: Tab traversal, Access Keys, Accelerator Keys. If needed Keyboard Shortcuts
language in UI terminology; style The language guideline describes recommended language, writing style, and standard terminology to use throughout the UI including: General Rules; Browser Window Title; Tab/Navigation Text; Page Header, Subheader, Subsubheader Text; Instruction Text; Tip Text; Messages; Button Labels (Action/Nav; Global; Links) no Language in UI
legend explanation; key notation A legend provides a description of data elements in a numeric chart, or of features in a map. yes Key/Legend Notation
links hyperlink; jump; drill down; anchor A hypertext link (using the "a href" tag in HTML) may be used in BLAF applications to act like a button. The link may allow users to: drill down for more information; return to a specific location or a higher level in the application hierarchy; navigate within a component, such as the shuttle. yes; if possible, use the link name, or the object type name Buttons (Links)
list box n/a A list box is a control containing a scrolling list of items. No; if needed to distinguish from choice list, use the term "box", identified by label name; otherwise use the term "list", identified by label name if needed Standard Web Widgets
message box dialog box The message box component is inserted at the top of an application page to draw users attention to important contextual messages. The types of messages are: Error, Information, Warning, Confirmation, and Processing Information. If needed Message Box
nested layout n/a A nested layout consists of a label/data group nested within a single radio item that is part of a radio group, or within a check box item that is part of a check box group. In nested groups, each of the inner group has its own group label, typically this label is the parent radio item or check box item. no Content Layout Templates: Nested Label/Data Layouts
object record, row, element, entity An object is a record in a database that may be represented as a row in a table or as a page of content that includes the attributes of that record. As a general term for heterogeneous objects. Otherwise refer to the object type, such as "Employees", or in inline documentation, use the object name, such as "Mary Black". Object Templates ,Object List Templates
page window; tab; screen The page consists of all the UI elements and data rendered on screen when a browser reads an HTML or other Web file. When users click a control, the application either performs an action and redraws all of part of the current page, or else navigates to another page. yes (may be introduced as "Web page" on first usage in mass-market application) Intra-Application Navigation
page contents bottom line ski; footer The page contents bottom line or "ski" marks the end of the page contents. Page level action/navigation buttons and repetitive page footer information appear below this line. no Page Contents Bottom Line (Ski)
page footer n/a A page footer appears at the bottom of each application page. It provides an area to repeat high level navigation (Tabs and Global buttons), as well as optional copyright and privacy statement information. Use "footer" if needed Page Footer
page stamps n/a A page stamp is an umbrella term for context-specific information regarding a section, a page, or a set of pages. A page stamp may consist of : key notation - page or section level definitions; the state of a page or section content, such as last update date, or last refresh; page or section data needed for user to complete task, such as a space quota; or user login information. no Page Stamps, Key/Legend Notation
pair (label/data) n/a A label/data pair is any combination of a single standard web widget or data associated with a label. no Content Layout Templates: Page Layout of Standard Web Widgets
parent node, leaf, branch, container A parent object or node is any object that has subordinate child nodes. Parent/child relationships are exposed to users in HGrid and Tree controls, or via drill down. yes, when describing hierarchical relationships HGrid Templates, Tree
personalize customize The term "Personalize" is used when users are provided with functionality to customize the UI. In version 2.1, personalization is limited to the table component, providing control over features such as table column display, and query of table data. In v3.0, personalization of LOV was added. yes Overview of Personalization and Setup, Customization of Views (Tables and HGrids), Global Page Template: Preferences
processing message meter; progress indicator; busy bar; timer An inline message or message page that notifies users when a task of indefinite length is in progress. Processing messages may be accompanied by a graphical meter or animated bar indicating percent or number completed. If it is necessary to clarify the type of message, then use "processing message", otherwise use "message." Processing Templates
progress indicator meter; busy bar; timer One of several forms of graphical control that indicates a process is under way, or indicates percent or number completed. Progress indicators always appear within processing message boxes or pages. if needed Processing Templates
property details, attribute A property is an attribute of an object that may be displayed in a column of a table or HGrid or in a field on an object page. No. Use the term "attribute" in developer and administrator documentation. Otherwise, use the general term "details", and refer to individual attributes by their column headers or field labels.  
property sheet details, object page A property sheet is the Windows equivalent to an object page, which shows details of that object. No. Use the term "details" in conjunction with the object name, object type, or if necessary, the term "object".  
quick links shortcuts; anchors Quick Links are used for long pages that have clearly defined sections of contents within a page. The quick link "bar" (group of anchor links) provides an overview of the sections of content within a page, even though some may not be visible without scrolling. Each quick link allows the user to "jump" directly to that specific section. Each target section header includes a "Return to Top" link. Use "shortcut link", but only if needed Quick Links
radio button radio field A radio button is a control with a label and a state that can be either on or off. When multiple radio buttons are presented as a group, only one can be selected at a time. no; use the radio button label, or the general term "option" Standard Web Widgets
record object, row, element, entity An record is an object stored in a database that may be represented as a row in a table or as a page of content that includes the attributes of that object. Use only in database administrator and developer documentation. Otherwise use "object" as a general term for a collection of records with different attribute types. Otherwise refer to the object type, such as "Employees", or in inline documentation, use the object name, such as "Mary Black".  
reorder list (part of shuttle) n/a The Reorder List is a portion of the Shuttle component. It allows the user to reorder the contents of a list. no Shuttle
Save [various options] Apply, Submit, Finish, commit Save is historically associated with writing data to disk. In Web applications, users perform most Save operations by selecting an Apply, Submit, or Finish button, so the term Save is reserved for specific cases. For more information on the use of the various Save buttons, see Language in UI: Button Labels yes Save Model
scaling legend Scaling refers to scales of numeric values, such as "Amounts in Thousands". Numeric scaling is defined with key notation or in a graph legend. yes Key Notation
sections (subsections) area; part In pages with more than one header, a section is a portion of a page between two header. In pages with only one header, but with multiple subheaders, a section is a portion of a page between two subheaders. use "section" for content areas at any level, such as the "Foreign Investments" subsection Headers
separator line boundary A separator line is used to divide contextual information and/or static content from changing content within a page. The separator line is also commonly used to divide a persistent component (which provides contextual information to a page) from the rest of the contents on a page. no Separator Line
Setup Administration, Personalization, customization (deprecated) Application administrators and project managers prepare an application for use by their users with functionality provided on a "Setup" tab -- typically a one-time process. Routine administration tasks should be performed on an "Administration" tab. yes Personalization and Set Up Functions in BLAF: Overview
shuttle n/a The shuttle is used to move items from a source list to a target list, and to modify the order of the target list. Shuttle controls also allow users to modify their selections. The reorder component may be used independently of the full shuttle component. no; describe the actions required to complete selections in the shuttle Shuttle
Side Navigation gun handle -- do NOT use this term in documentation Third-level navigation area on the left side of the page below the tab bar that contains one or more links. No. If necessary to help locate the links, use the phrase, "the xxx option on the left", or "the xxx option on the left side of the window". Otherwise refer to a specific navigation link by name. Tabs/Navigation
standard Web widgets components; controls; elements Standard Web Widgets are native to HTML and allow a user to either enter/update information (i.e., text field and text area), or pick an option from a couple to many options (i.e., radio button, check box, choice list, list box). no (see definitions of individual widgets for specific writing guidelines) Standard Web Widgets
step-by-step process wizard A sequence of pages that assist users to perform tasks with multiple dependencies. yes; or just "process" Step by Step (3[+] Steps) Page Template; 2 Step Process Page Templates
subtabs tabs Fourth-level navigation area below the tab bar and Horizontal Navigation bar that consists of smaller tabs. In certain circumstances, subtabs may be used in place of Side Navigation if needed. Yes, if it is necessary to distinguish the tab level. Tabs/Navigation
switchers: applications and context n/a A switcher is used in BLAF applications to quickly switch back and forth between one application and another, or to switch the context of the page or pages within an application. no Switchers: Applications and Context
system requirements prerequisite Minimum system configuration (browser, screen resolution, number of colors, and so on.) to run BLAF applications. yes Browser and System Requirements
tables matrix; spreadsheet; worksheet; grid; chart Tables are the core method for displaying and interacting with data in BLAF application. They are used not only used to display tabular view-only data, but can also be highly interactive, allowing users to update table data. yes; if table provides mathematical or statistical functions, use the terms "spreadsheet", or "worksheet" Tables
tab traversal n/a Using Tab and Shift-Tab keys will navigate the user through UI elements on a screen. (This is fully supported in Oracle BLAF applications.) no (refer to Tab and Shift-tab keys instead) Keyboard Shortcuts
tabs tab bar Tabs provide the highest level of navigation within a BLAF application, and are derived from traditional paper-based media such as binder tabs and rolodexes. BLAF tabs are displayed horizontally near the top of the page, and can be assembled with other navigation elements. yes (avoid use of term "Tab Bar") Tabs/Navigation
tabs/navigation bar A general BLAF term for the assembly of tabs, Horizontal Navigation, subtabs, and Side Navigation links. There are common tab/navigation configurations, each with specific recommendations for usage. no Tabs/Navigation
text area input field; text box A text area is a control where the user can type multiple lines of text. no; use "field" Standard Web Widgets
text field input field; text box A text field is a control where the user can type a single line of text. no; use "field" Standard Web Widgets
train progress indicator; locator element The Train component is used as an indication of the user's location in a linear process, step-by-step process, or linear task flow. no Train
tree object hierarchy; navigator The tree control allows users to quickly browse through complex sets of hierarchical objects. The tree also shows the hierarchical relationship between different sets of objects. yes Tree
UIX Cabo (former code name) UIX (User Interface XML) is a set of technologies that constitute a framework for building Web applications. These technologies include the declarative UIX language, UIX Components, the UIX controller, UIX Dynamic Images, UIX Styles, and UIX Shared Components. no (only in developer documentation) n/a
UIX Dynamic Images Tecate (former code name) UIX Dynamic Images is a utility for generating images that contain text, including built-in support for buttons and tabs, and support for NLS requirements. no (only in developer documentation) n/a
UIX Components Marlin (former code name) UIX Components is a class library for generating the content of Web pages, in particular, pages used as the front end (user interface) to a Web application. no (only in developer documentation) n/a
UIX Controller Baja (former code name) UIX Controller is a servlet-based framework for developing Web applications that standardizes the way applications deal with HTML events and provides built-in services such as pluggable event handling, login support, and file uploading. no (only in developer documentation) n/a
UIX Language n/a The UIX (User Interface XML) language is a declarative alternative to creating Web applications programmatically with UIX Components. no n/a
UIX Styles Ocelot (former code name) UIX Styles provides an architecture for defining and customizing style sheets for different end-user environments (for example, locales, browsers, or platforms). no (only in developer documentation) n/a
warning message alert; caution; error message Warning messages alert the user to a condition or a situation that requires a decision before continuing. Warning messages may be displayed inline (inserted into the current page), or on a separate standalone message page. Use "message" unless you need to clarify the type of message, then use "warning message." Inline Messages and Tips; Dialogs: Messaging (Error, Information, Warning)
Web application Web-based application; HTML application Computer program designed for the World Wide Web. yes n/a
Web browser Navigator; Netscape; Explorer; IE; Mozilla; Opera Program required to display Web pages and applications. BLAF applications are designed to run in specific releases (revision levels) of common browsers. yes Browser and System Requirements

Documentation Note: Wherever possible, avoid user interface terms in online Help and documentation for mass-market applications. Instead, refer to screen elements by their labels, and with common terms such as "list" and "box." Oracle writers can find detailed guidelines at Oracle's internal DocTools Web site:

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