- *.dev.java.net sites are having problems
- [Fwd: [Fwd: 2009 1st Quarter Maintenance Window - Feb20]]
- [Fwd: [Issue 7060] [deployment] old bundled jar not removed during redeploy]
- [Fwd: [Issue 7060] [web_container] old bundled jar not removed during redeploy]
- [Fwd: Please review and comment on the GlassFish v3 deployment one-pager]
- [Fwd: Reminder: Planned Maintenance Outage for all Collabnet hosted sites 02/20/09 7pm PST to 02/21/09 7am PST]
- [Fwd: strange recent build problems]
- [fyi] Integrated Grizzly 1.9.8
- [V3] Warning in the build?
- build hangs downloading plexus-utils-1.5.8.pom from maven.glassfish.org
- Cannot find parent: com.sun.mojarra:mojarra-scales-master
- context root of embedded war file
- CORRECTION GlassFish v3 Docs Meeting -- 2/5 2-3 PM PST
- CVS Issue?
- decision w.r.t. Java class version for GFv3-trunk sources ...
- deployment of ear files works or no?
- distributed security: adding foaf+ssl to glassfish
- do ear files deploy?
- dotted names are broken?
- EJB-Lite and XA are now part of web.zip
- EOFException in readFully(MysqlIO.java:1905) in SGMP report app
- findbugs-maven-plugin
- Fwd: JSF 2.0 and resource management
- Fwd: Sailfin V1 b60g doesn't work
- Galssfish v2.1ee fails to start on windows
- GF Wiki Down due to machine issues
- Glassfish clustering vs Terracota clustering
- GlassFish Embedded API discussion
- GlassFish v3 Docs Meeting -- 2/12 2-3 PM PST
- GlassFish v3 Docs Meeting -- 2/19 2-3 PM PST
- GlassFish v3 Docs Meeting -- 2/26 2-3 PM PST
- GlassFish v3 Docs Meeting -- 2/4 2-3 PM PST
- GlassFish version 2 tags
- hangs in maven on glassfish-repo-archive
- how to find out which class is making annotation process barf?
- interesting issue
- Is there any plan to change the glassfish administration conosle gui?
- JSF 2.0 and resource management
- legal characters in File realm
- logging of SQL parameters in CMP/JPA error messages
- mail properties
- ModuleRegistry.makeModuleFor(name, version) behavior changes
- More target milestones for GlassFish v3 in IT needed
- Most of CMP support is now enabled in V3
- new deployment events
- New GlassFish committer: Wolfram Rittmeyer
- Nexus
- one more memory leak risk
- Opinions Wanted: v3 GUI Prototype
- patches to fix format of messages in server log
- purpose of extracting jars in web apps to generated directory?
- QL failure ...
- reason for destroying POA's when starting a server instance
- running deployment unit tests with v3
- Sailfin V1 b60g doesn't work
- server restart fails with NPE
- Site is back up.. a bit slow
- svn commit: r6437 - trunk/jsf-ri: src/com/sun/faces/application src/com/sun/faces/facelets/tag/jsf/core systest/src/com/sun/faces/annotation systes...
- svn version -- IntelliJ whacked my project
- TOI to make your Module, Monitorable in V3
- turn on XML validation for standard deployment descriptors in v3
- Unable to deploy web applications to current v3 trunk
- Use maven like advanced make tool
- v3 and NetBeans 6.7 M2
- V3 build fails
- V3 Engineering meeting
- V3 Engineering Meeting, Feb 17th, 9am
- Web sever 7ur5 accessing ejb on GF 2.1
- Webtier APIs for GlassFish Embedded
- Welcome Peter Wu
- Which thread-pool is used by web requests in GlassFish v2ur2?
- Will there be an interactive asadmin shell in v3?
- Last message date: Fri Feb 20 18:23:01 2009
- Archived on: Thu Aug 10 14:57:26 2017 PDT