Re: svn version -- IntelliJ whacked my project

From: Bobby Bissett <Robert.Bissett_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2009 15:56:33 -0500

> Upgrade your command-line client. My guess is that IntelliJ ships
> with svn 1.5 libs, which will upgrade your WC control files. If you
> upgrade your command-line svn installation to 1.5.x, you should be
> good to go.

Or move GF to Mercurial (yeah, I know, that doesn't fix your issue or
even relate to it). I'm just sayin' Mercurial restored my faith in
version control....

As to your actual question, I'm using svn 1.4.4 without any issues, so
it may be that IntelliNotNB messed something up. My only suggestion is
to try checking out within the ide again but check all the options
first to make sure there's nothing weird. If you've got changes to
commit, you prolly have to check out/copy/commit or something.

(Though, not to hammer the point home, you *could* use Mercurial to
add your changes into a svn repository and then commit them.)
