Re: Nexus

From: Jason Lee <>
Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2009 18:11:33 -0600

It's my understanding that it's purely a proxy, and that is
still the official maven repo for GlassFish artifacts.

On Feb 4, 2009, at 6:01 PM, Ken Cavanaugh wrote:

> Jason Lee wrote:
>> On Feb 4, 2009, at 4:55 PM, Ken Cavanaugh wrote:
>>> My bundles end up in
>>> after a few minutes, but I have no idea if this is correct now
>>> that we have
>>> Nexus set up.
>> Nexus is just a proxy/caching server. If I understand things
>> correctly, it has other repos set up that *it* queries if it has
>> not already downloaded an artifact. Once it downloads an artifact,
>> it caches it locally (to itself), ready to serve up to the next
>> client requesting it. Another bonus is the we only have one
>> network connection per artifact instead of scanning all the repos
>> we might know about locally for an artifact, which gets expensive
>> in a hurry.
> Nexus has both proxying for repositories (which takes care of
> scanning costs) and hosting repositories (it is a repository manager).
> What I don't understand is whether we are using the Nexus instance
> to host our repository, or if we are just using it
> for proxying. If the latter, then I can ignore it for CORBA (for
> now), because CORBA has no external dependencies.
> Thanks,
> Ken.
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         Jason Lee
Senior Java Developer
GlassFish Administration Console

Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Phone x31197/+1 405-343-1964