So, how does v3 know the context-root of embedded web apps?
Is it being read from the generated application.xml file when the app
server starts?
Hong Zhang wrote:
> Hi, Vince
>> I have to implement the method
>> javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.status.ProgressObject.getResultTargetModuleIDs().
>> It seems that most all the data necessary for this available via
>> asadmin get.
>> I cannot find one thing... the context root of a web app that is
>> embedded in an ear file. It seems like it isn't in the data that
>> comes back from a get.
>> Is it supposed to be available via get?
> We don't currently expose context root information of embedded wars in
> the domain.xml (so you could not get it through the "get" command).
> This is a behavior we inherited from v2. In v2, we don't expose sub
> module information for the ear in domain.xml. As this is now changed
> in v3, we should probably revisit this decision. Let's discuss what's
> the advantage and disadvantage of exposing it.
> If we decide this is the way we should go, a couple of things need to
> happen:
> 1) context-root should become an attribute of "engine" element instead
> of "application".
> 2) web container when loading embedded web module need to look at the
> context root from domain.xml (which should have higher precedence than
> the context root defined in the application).
> Thanks,
> - Hong
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