Re: deployment of ear files works or no?

From: Hong Zhang <Hong.Zhang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 05 Feb 2009 10:59:06 -0500

Hi, Ken

>> Was there an application.xml file in your ear file? Currently the
>> code can only recognize ear with application.xml. I am now working
>> to get the optional application.xml case also supported. I will send
>> an update once that support is in.
> Do we support optional ejb-jar.xml for ejb-jars in the .ear?
We don't support ejb jar in ear yet. But once we have that, the optional
ejb-jar.xml will be supported.

- Hong

>> Nithya Subramanian wrote:
>>> Am unable to deploy an ear file in the the v3 trunk install image
>>> as well..It fails with the same error..Is there any specific
>>> setting required in the build to deploy ear files?
>>> Thanks
>>> Nithya
>>> vince kraemer wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I downloaded the latest GF v3 promoted glassfish build
>>>> (
>>>> ) and unzipped it to start using it.
>>>> I started it from from the command-line with JDK 6.
>>>> I tried to deploy a Java EE 5 ear file that contains a trivial
>>>> Java EE 5 hello world war file.
>>>> Here is the output of asadmin:
>>>> the20:bin vkraemer$ ./asadmin deploy ~/NetBeansProjects/
>>>> EnterpriseApplication7/dist/EnterpriseApplication7.ear
>>>> remote failure: There is no installed container capable of
>>>> handling this application
>>>> Command deploy failed.
>>>> I know Jerome had said enterprise apps that just contained wars
>>>> was working a while ago... Did I just get an unlucky build?
>>>> thanks,
>>>> vbk
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