Re: Web sever 7ur5 accessing ejb on GF 2.1

From: Kenneth Saks <Kenneth.Saks_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2009 17:42:07 -0500

On Feb 18, 2009, at 5:14 PM, Michael Munn wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have a customer who is trying to call an ejb on v2.1 from a
> webapp on Sun webserver 7ur5.
> I have tried this myself using rmi-simple.ear and following the
> instructions at
> #nonJavaEEwebcontainerRemoteEJB
> and I cannot get it to work
> Has anyone ever been able to get this to work? If so please advise.

Hi Michael,

Can you send me the error you're seeing along with the client lookup


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