- 1.1 Change C006
- [ANN] Restlet 1.1 released with JAX-RS 1.0 support
- [Resteasy-developers] _at_QueryParam and POST
- [Resteasy-developers] _at_QueryParam and POST)
- _at_Context Ancestors ?
- _at_Cookie
- _at_DefaultValue
- _at_FormParam
- _at_GET, using objects as method parameters
- _at_MatrixParam
- _at_Path encoding
- _at_PathParam [was: _at_MatrixParam]
- _at_PathParam(...) PathSegment ps
- _at_Singelton
- a super critical question: what's the X for in JAX-RS ?
- Accept and exception mapper response entities
- alternative to ResponseBuilder.expires()
- Annotation inheritance
- Annotations on interfaces and super classes
- Application class
- ApplicationConfig and OSGi
- ApplicationConfig vs. Application
- Avoiding unnecessary application/octet-stream responses
- bad request response
- base-uri for MessageBodyReader
- Case insensitive map
- Case-insensitive query parameters
- Case-insensitive Response.getMetadata
- Changes to spec to resolve Issue 46
- Client framework
- CLOSE_WAIT sockets on client disconnect
- com.sun.ws.rest.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer
- Comments on JSR 311 Draft
- Compatibility Testing Scholarship Request for implementation of JSR 311 on top of the Restlet framework
- Constructor of NewCookie
- Converting URI templates to regular expressions in 0.9
- Cookie
- Creating date and time formats
- current update of spec of JSR 311: status code of resource methods
- Date header
- Dealing with Matrix parameters
- declared return-type ignored for selection of MessageBodyWriter?
- Decoding '+' in path parameters
- detail for JSR311 method
- Difference between UriBuilder.buildFromEncoded and UriBuilder.build
- documenting rest-interfaces
- emails to me and other things
- entity providers and multiple arguments of the same type
- Error in JAX-RS method finding algorithm?
- Exception in ExceptionMapper?
- Extension - Accept Header emulation
- Failure in either specification or RI
- Fall back to root resource with the broader uri-space
- Few question about custom regular expressions
- Formulation of section 5.1 (Servlet dependency)
- Fwd: 0.9 Snapshot
- Fwd: JAX-RS 2.0 JSR approved
- Fwd: JAX-RS 2.0 JSR submitted
- General comments/questions/suggestions
- GenericEntity
- Getting client X509Certificate
- getting this?
- Handling of Checked Exception
- Header Providers
- How to define custom request method by JSR 311 standard?
- How to encode ' ' and decode '+' in the query component
- How to handle encoded URIs (JAX-RS 0.8)
- How to handle resource uris (simple atom server)
- How to treat null values in ResponseBuilder
- How to use regex pattern on url path and query params ?
- HTTPOnly cookies
- implementing "OPTIONS *"
- improvement of UriBuider.{query,matrix}Parameters and MultivaluedMap
- Inherited Path
- Injection scope for message body providers
- java.net.jsr311 has been migrated to GitHub and groups.io discussion service
- javadoc of FactoryFinder.find(String, String)
- jax-rs design opportunities
- JAX-RS: _at_Path encode parameter is needed
- JAX-RS: _at_Path limited=false templates: (?!/).+(?<!/)
- JAX-RS: _at_Path regex syntax
- JAX-RS: Draft Download?
- JAX-RS: escaping UriBuilder query params
- JAX-RS: generics: <String,Object> vs <String,?>
- JAX-RS: rival _at_Path with reg exps
- JAX-RS: template for port in UriBuilder
- JAX-RS: UriBuilder encoding
- JAX-RS: UriBuilder handling _at_Path values and placeholder regexes
- JAX-RS: UriBuilder.buildFromMap(MultivaluedMap)
- JAX-RS: UriBuilder.fromResource treats templates differently
- JAXRS handlers
- JAXRS Response and status code
- Jersey 0.5 released
- Jersey 0.6 released
- Jersey 0.7 released
- Jersey 0.8 released
- Jersey 0.9 released
- Jersey 1.0 released
- JSR 311 Improvement Proposal
- JSR 311: _at_Context
- jsr311 is now live
- JSR311 Response and corresponding message
- JSR311: _at_Cookie
- JSR311: No _at_OPTIONS _at_TRACE
- JSR311: PathParam question in regards to Locators
- JSR311: WebAppExc subclasses? and: generic type for MessageBodyWriters
- Kenai migration complete: Documents & Files are imported
- Languages that are not Locale
- leading / in Path URI template
- Legal issue clarification
- little bug in JSR-311 spec
- mark UriBuilder.userInfo(String) as deprecated?
- Matching requests to subresource methods
- Matching requests to subresource methos
- Matrix Parameters
- media type of context resolver
- MediaType.isComaptible
- MediaType.isComaptible)
- MessageBodyWriter and annotations
- method rename proposal
- Misprint or what? (JSR311 June 27, 2008)
- Missing Javadoc
- more comments to JAX-RS
- more comments to JSR 311
- more comments to JSR311
- Newbie question - Which Java SE version is supported?
- No _at_OPTIONS _at_TRACE
- Normalize URI path before matching
- Optimizing MessageBodyWriterS
- Path annotations for class resources
- path segments, slashes and request matching
- PathParam and DefaultValue
- PathParam and slashes
- PathParam question in regards to Locators
- pathParam regex
- PathSegment question
- ProduceMime on subresource locators
- programmatic access to the HTTP request method
- Proposal about contexts
- Proposed Final Draft posted
- Publishing jsr311-api 0.6 to Maven
- QName for JaxbElement entity provider
- Queries, UriBuilder.build(), UriBuilder.buildFromEncoded()
- QueryParam
- QueryParam and HeaderParams
- QueryParams
- Questions on Providers interface
- questions to JSR311
- Re : Selecting between method candidates
- remove double slashes from URI?
- Request.evaluateConditions()
- Request.evaluateConditions(Date lastModified, EntityTag)
- Request.evaluateConditions(EntityTag)
- Response Metadata
- Response.Status as class
- ResponseBuilder
- ResponseBuilder.header("SET_COOKIE", null)
- ResponseBuilder.type()
- Restlet 1.1 M3 adds support for JAX-RS
- RFC 2109 vs 2965
- rival _at_Path with reg exps [was: JAX-RS: _at_Path limited=false templates: (?!/).+(?<!/)]
- RuntimeDelegate.createEndpoint()
- scholarship for JSR311
- SecurityContext.getAuthenticationScheme()
- Selecting between method candidates
- Singeltons
- Singletons
- Some comments to JSR 311
- some improvement for javax.ws.rs.core.*
- Some proposals / questions for JSR 311
- Some questions about 0.7 api
- Sorting accept media types
- Sorting MessageBodyWriterS
- Spec Nitpick
- standardized way to continue to JSPs?
- static Variant.newListBuilder() ?
- status 406 if return object not serializable for POST, PUT, DELETE?
- Sten parameters additional to Locale?
- StreamingOutput.cleanUp() ?
- sub resource locators & generating urls
- sub resource method matching empty path
- Sub-Resource Locators
- Substitution of same template parameters in UriBuilder
- Support for multipart MIME types in JAX-RS
- Supported unreserved URI characteres
- Supporting Link: header?
- svn commit: r287 - trunk/src/jsr311-api/src/javax/ws/rs/core
- TCK for JAX-RS implementation
- Telling ExceptionMapper to exclude exceptions
- throw WebAppExc in matchring request algorithm
- throw WebAppExc instead of return status
- time to call MessageBodyReader
- trailing slash
- Triaxrs: a lightweight JAX-RS implementation that runs in OSGi container
- URI Contracts
- URI template with regexp using nested curly braces.
- URI templates
- URI templates (resend)
- URI templates (resend2)
- UriBuilder, query/matrix params vs values multiplicity for single name
- UriBuilder.build()
- UriBuilder.build*(Object...)
- UriBuilder.buildFromEncoded() spec interpretation
- UriBuilder.matrix(String) [was: JAX-RS: UriBuilder encoding]
- UriBuilder.path("/")
- UriBuilder: template variables
- UriInfo
- UriInfo.getAncestorResource*()
- UriInfo.getAncestorResources
- UriInfo.getMatchedResourceURIs() -> getMatchedURIs() ?
- UriParam referenced but undefined in Dec 4 draft
- Using "*" as a wildcard when searching for the Provider using the javax.ws.rs.ext.Providers interface
- Using EJBProvider for _at_EJB annotation
- Using jersey-0.8 in GlassFish v2
- Vacation
- Valid paramer types and exception handling
- Variants
- WADL representation of JAX-RS resource
- WebDAV Support
- What headers have to be done by JSR311
- What is the standard behavior when injecting property on a singleton resource class?
- what to do, if a resource method throws an Error?
- When to sort Accept header values
- Who is managing the JSR 311/Jersey work?
- Why is 3.8 3.8 and not 4.2.2
- Why is WebApplicationException a RuntimeException?
- x-www-form-urlencoded Content Type and rest WS
- Last message date: Wed May 10 18:09:13 2017
- Archived on: Thu Aug 10 15:15:37 2017 PDT