Re: Inherited Path

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2008 19:01:44 +0100

Adam Karl wrote:
> I would much rather put these annotations in an Interface as Bill
> suggested but as I understand it, Java itself has very limited support
> for annotation inheritance from Interfaces.

Yes, annotation inheritance is limited to @Inherited annotations on
super classes.

< This is a perfect example
> of where inheritance of annotations from Interfaces would be useful
> since a consumer of my services will not be able to see the Abstract
> class, only an Interface.

When you say 'consumer' do you mean the implementor of the interface?
the Jersey runtime that processes the instance of the interface? or the
client making the HTTP requests?

I am guessing the first one but what is throwing me is what you mean by
'service' as i tend to think of that as a 'Web service', blinkered
vision i guess :-)

> I've gotten around this for the time being by
> having the Interfaces for these services add an @Service annotation.
> @Service is almost identical to @Path, I just changed the name because
> Jersey's default classpath resource loader seemed to be attempting to
> instantiate the Interfaces if I used @Path.

Thanks for finding this issue. I have fixed things in the latest build,
such interfaces and abstract classes are now ignored (warnings are


> Best Regards,
> Adam Karl
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bill Burke []
> Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 4:27 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Inherited Path
> I do think you need some inheritance rules though. For example, in the
> EJB 3 specification you may override a business method in a subclass and
> provide different metadata.
> I also wish that JAX-RS annotations could be extracted from an
> implemented interface. i.e.:
> public class StoreBean implements ShoppingStore {
> public Book getBook(int id) {...}
> }
> @Path("/shopping")
> public interface ShoppingStore {
> @GET @Path("bookstore/books/{id}")
> public Book getBook(@PathParam("id") int id); }
> This would be very similar to the EJB3/JAX-WS integration style.
> Marc Hadley wrote:
>> IIRC, @Inherited only applies to classes so, even if @Path was
>> inherited, any annotations on the abstract service class methods
>> (@GET, @ProduceMime etc) wouldn't be inherited and a subclass would
>> appear to unannotated except for the class-level annotations.
>> Marc.
>> On Feb 1, 2008, at 12:24 PM, Adam Karl wrote:
>>> Here is my situation. I would like to define an abstract Service
>>> class such as below. Now when the real service classes extend my
>>> service class, I would like them to inherit the path annotation.
>>> This allows the service classes to know nothing about the
>>> implementation of my service architecture other than the fact that
>>> they should be extending my abstract service class. Currently, the
>>> @Path annotation is not @Inherited so this doesn't work for me. Is
>>> there a reason why @Path cannot be @Inherited?
>>> @Path("{serviceClassName}")
>>> public abstract class AbstractService { public AbstractService
>>> getServiceClass(@PathParam("serviceClassName")
>>> String serviceClassName)
>>> {
>>> return this;
>>> }
>>> ...
>>> }
>>> ____________________________________________
>>> Adam Karl
>>> Nighthawk Radiology
>>> Software Engineer
>>> Phone: +1 414 220 4295 ext-8319
>>> Email:
>> ---
>> Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at>
>> CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.
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> Bill Burke
> JBoss, a division of Red Hat
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| ? + ? = To question
    Paul Sandoz