Inherited Path

From: Adam Karl <>
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2008 09:24:44 -0800

Here is my situation. I would like to define an abstract Service class
such as below. Now when the real service classes extend my service
class, I would like them to inherit the path annotation. This allows
the service classes to know nothing about the implementation of my
service architecture other than the fact that they should be extending
my abstract service class. Currently, the @Path annotation is not
@Inherited so this doesn't work for me. Is there a reason why @Path
cannot be @Inherited?
public abstract class AbstractService
public AbstractService getServiceClass(@PathParam("serviceClassName")
String serviceClassName)
return this;
Adam Karl
  Nighthawk Radiology
  Software Engineer

Phone: +1 414 220 4295 ext-8319