Re: ApplicationConfig and OSGi

From: Bill Burke <>
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2008 10:25:47 -0400

Paul Sandoz wrote:
> Hi Reto,
> Reto Bachmann-Gmür wrote:
>> Hello
>> Trying to use jax-rs in an OSGi environment we imagine bundles
>> providing web applications by exposing instances of ApplicationConfig.
>> However the jsr311 implementation residing in another bundle cannot
>> instantiate the classes of the bundle providing the application.
> I know very little about the technical aspects of OSGi but would not the
> same problem occur for a web application bundle referring to a servlet
> class in the web.xml that needs to be instantiated by servlet
> implementation residing in a different bundle?
> And also for Web service endpoints, EJBs and JAXB beans when unmarshalling.

Why wouldn't JAX-RS be able to instantiate instances in an OSGi
environment? You are getting actual references to classes and the
JAX-RS runtime could do:


Object resource = resourceClass.instance();


If all else fails, you could change your OSGi bundle to export the
required classes.

In JBoss, each deployed bundle has its own classloader assigned to it
(either a unique one or shared one depending on configuration). We
register this classloader along with component metadata on deployment
(components like EJB, Spring, etc.) to the subsystems that manage the
deployment (like an EJB container). I can't really speak to how other
OSGi and OSGi-like implementation would work, but there are very few
ways to skin a cat.


Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat