- alternative to ResponseBuilder.expires()
- ApplicationConfig and OSGi
- ApplicationConfig vs. Application
- Converting URI templates to regular expressions in 0.9
- Creating date and time formats
- Date header
- Exception in ExceptionMapper?
- HTTPOnly cookies
- JAX-RS: _at_Path encode parameter is needed
- JAX-RS: _at_Path limited=false templates: (?!/).+(?<!/)
- JAX-RS: _at_Path regex syntax
- JAX-RS: escaping UriBuilder query params
- JAX-RS: generics: <String,Object> vs <String,?>
- JAX-RS: rival _at_Path with reg exps
- JAX-RS: template for port in UriBuilder
- JAX-RS: UriBuilder encoding
- JAX-RS: UriBuilder handling _at_Path values and placeholder regexes
- JAX-RS: UriBuilder.buildFromMap(MultivaluedMap)
- JAX-RS: UriBuilder.fromResource treats templates differently
- media type of context resolver
- MessageBodyWriter and annotations
- Misprint or what? (JSR311 June 27, 2008)
- QName for JaxbElement entity provider
- Re : Selecting between method candidates
- Response.Status as class
- rival _at_Path with reg exps [was: JAX-RS: _at_Path limited=false templates: (?!/).+(?<!/)]
- Singeltons
- Singletons
- standardized way to continue to JSPs?
- sub resource locators & generating urls
- Sub-Resource Locators
- UriBuilder.matrix(String) [was: JAX-RS: UriBuilder encoding]
- UriInfo
- UriInfo.getMatchedResourceURIs() -> getMatchedURIs() ?
- Using jersey-0.8 in GlassFish v2
- Vacation
- What headers have to be done by JSR311
- what to do, if a resource method throws an Error?