Marc Hadley wrote:
> On Jul 3, 2008, at 1:44 AM, Manger, James H wrote:
>> I like Bill Burke’s solution.
>> Embedding a regular expression within a {…} placeholder requires a
>> little care. Four options spring to mind (from my most preferred to
>> least):
Why does embedding a regular expression within a {...} placeholder
require a little care? Seems like an implementation detail to me on how
the {...} string is processed.
>> 1) Only allow '{' and '}' chars in the regex as part of '{…}' pairs
>> that are not nested. The restriction applies even if a char is escaped
>> as \{ in the regex.
>> {foo:X{2,3}} is allowed (matching XX or XXX)
>> {foo:X[^}]Y} is not allowed
>> 2) Delimit the regex with ` or space (instead of : and }). These chars
>> have no special meaning in a regex, and are not allowed in URI paths
>> (and don't need escaping in a Java String). Consequently they
>> shouldn't be needed in the regex so they can be forbidden.
>> {foo`.*`} or {foo".*"} or {foo .* }
>> 3) Disallow any '}' chars in the regex.
> I like 3. '}' is not allowed in a URI path unless its escaped so it
> doesn't seem like a big restriction to me.
Why do you like #3? I think we should support any regex after : and
before the last '}'. Its not hard to parse to create the correct path
regex and documenting this feature becomes easier as you just point the
user to the javadoc on or something similar. I liked the
':' delimiter because its pleasing to the eye and I've seen similar
approaches in the past with other frameworks/languages, etc.
Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat