Re: JAX-RS: _at_Path limited=false templates: (?!/).+(?<!/)

From: Marc Hadley <Marc.Hadley_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 02 Jul 2008 12:45:28 -0400

On Jul 2, 2008, at 12:32 PM, Stephan Koops wrote:

> Don't forget, that we need also a regular expression for @Path("/abc/
> de{FGH: .*}fg/image"} and List<PathSegment>.
I don't understand what you mean. The regular expression for matching
would be: /abc/de(.*)fg/image. So e.g.

@PathParam("FGH") List<PathSegment> fgh would give values for foo as:

/abc/defg/image => {"defg"}
/abc/de1fg/image => {"de1fg"}
/abc/de1/2fg/image => {"de1","2fg"}

Right ?


> Marc Hadley schrieb:
>> Funny, Paul and I were just discussing the exact same idea ! I'm
>> not exactly sold on this yet but lets explore the idea to see if we
>> end up somewhere good.
>>> I understand James's usecase, but I don't like his solution. I
>>> never liked the 'limited' annotation attribute and thought we
>>> should expand on @Path expressions instead. I propose supporting
>>> regular expressions instead. Here's my idea:
>>> "{}" denotes a PathParam, expression, or both:
>>> "{" [ path_param ] ":" expression "}" |
>>> "{" path_param "}"
>>> The ":" denotes that there is an expression to be matched. If the
>>> ":" is preceded by a path_param, then fill that path_param with
>>> that value.
>>> For example:
>>> 1. /foo/{param}/blah -> "/foo/([^/])+"
>>> 2. /foo/{param: .*}/image.jpg -> "/foo/(.*)?/image.jpg"
>>> 3. /foo/{:.*}/image.jpg -> "/foo/.*/image.jpg"
>>> #1 is an example of a path param with no expression
>>> #2 is an example of a path param that matches a particular
>>> expression
>>> #3 is an example of just an expression with no path param
>> So essentially if its a named template var then you turn whatever
>> follows the ':' into a capturing group. I notice in your example
>> you follow the capturing group with '?' - why ? Is there a usecase
>> for allowing the user to specify qualifiers for a capturing group ?
>>> We support regular expressions in JAX-RS 1.0. If we want to
>>> support different expressions down the road we can either:
>>> * create a new @Path annotation
>>> @W3cPath
>> This is probably the most straightforward.
>> Marc.
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Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at>
CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.